10. NeuroTracker Research

Memory Training Combined with 3D Visuospatial Stimulus Improves Cognitive Performance in the Elderly: Pilot Study

September 1, 2020

This study aimed to investigate if cognitive training programs can reduce expected cognitive decline associated with aging.

What Was Studied

44 participants of 60 years or older were equally divided into an experimental group (with NeuroTracker) and a comparative group (without NeuroTracker) and completed 12 training sessions per week. Both groups practiced mnemonic memory training techniques. Pre and post assessments were also conducted, including a sociodemographic questionnaire, neuropsychological assessment and NeuroTracker pre and post baseline measures.

What Was Found

Both groups experienced some benefits from the memory training, however only the NeuroTracker trained group achieved transfer benefits for attention, reaction time, visual processing speed, episodic, semantic, subjective and working memory as well as aspects of social cognition. 


The researchers concluded that NeuroTracker with memory training contributed to significantly improved cognitive performance over memory training alone, and that more research should be conducted for elderly populations with and without cognitive deficits.

Reference: Mariana Medeiros Assed et al. ‘Memory training combined with 3D visuospatial stimulus improves cognitive performance in the elderly: pilot study’ Dementia & Neuropsychologia 14(3), 2020.

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