Enhancing learning in a perceptual-cognitive training paradigm using EEG-neurofeedback

NeuroTracker integrated with closed-loop live EEG feedback enhances NeuroTracker learning rates for healthy adults.


February 2021


Nature Scientific Reports



To investigate if real-time Neurofeedback can enhance learning rates for NeuroTracker training.



40 healthy adults were assigned to four training groups (ten each), performing either:-

• Standard NeuroTracker training

• No training (control group)

• NeuroTracker with EEG-Neurofeedback

• NeuroTracker with sham Neurofeedback

EEG-Neurofeedback involved closed-loop feedback that automatically detects when a participant has lost track of their targets and immediately reindexes them.



The standard NeuroTracker group, control group and EEG-Neurofeedback groups started a similar level, higher than the sham Neurofeedback group. However the EEG-Neurofeedback showed superior learning rates over all other groups over the course of 10 training sessions. The results show that a closed-loop learning paradigm is highly effective at enhancing learning outcomes on the NeuroTracker task.

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