10. NeuroTracker Research

3-Dimensional Multiple Object Tracking Training Can Enhance Selective Attention, Psychomotor Speed, and Cognitive Flexibility in Healthy Older Adults

September 16, 2019

The aim of this study is to investigate if a short NeuroTracker training intervention could improve high-level cognitive abilities in elderly populations.

What Was Studied

46 participants, aged 63-87 years old completed pre-and-post neuropsychological assessments for selective attention, psychomotor speed, and cognitive flexibility. Active participants completed 21 NeuroTracker sessions (approx. 2 hours of training) over 7 weeks, between pre-and-posts tests. Controls did no training.

What Was Found

Controls showed no change in pre and post tests. In contrast the active NeuroTracker group experienced significant gains in cognitive flexibility, psychomotor speed, and selective attention, and similar improvements in a combined assessment of psychomotor speed and cognitive flexibility.


The researchers concluded that NeuroTracker presents a promising tool for recovering and improving these high-level cognitive abilities in older populations.

Reference: Brian Christie et al. ‘3-Dimensional Multiple Object Tracking Training Can Enhance Selective Attention, Psychomotor Speed, and Cognitive Flexibility in Healthy Older Adults’ Ageing Science & Mental Health Studies, Vol. 3, 2019

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