Learn about the different ways chiropractic adjustments can aid health and wellness.
Learn about the different ways chiropractic adjustments can aid health and wellness.
Discover a new holistic perspective of the broader value of a multi-dimensional approach to yoga.
Discover 5 simple habits to boost brain health, enhance cognitive function, and elevate overall well-being.
Explore five practical tips to keep your mind and brain healthy all season long.
Explore how the brain responds to seasonal weather changes, and why some people are more affected than others.
Hydration is not a case of one-size-fits-all. Discover key know-how for personally optimizing your fluid intake.
Learn about ways to optimize your gut health for mental well-being.
Learn how to naturally heal and protect delicate lips.
Get the lowdown on the pros and cons of some of the most popular diet plans.
Do you feel busy all the time, even when you're not? It's not just you! Discover the reason you feel this way and how to feel less overwhelmed.
Learn about mental health risk factors and why looking after your brain health really matters.
The very technologies impacting the way we navigate our world, are also the tools that neuroscience is evolving to help us adapt and better ourselves.
Discover why dark chocolate is less of a sin and more of a nootropic for brain health.
Find out why there is a growing movement around the mental wellness of athletes.
New research suggests that active rehabilitation may be more important than rest in concussion recovery. See how specialists are using targeted therapies.
A side effect of the rise of anxiety and depression during extended lockdowns is 'coronasomnia'. Discover lifestyle tips and treatments in this comprehensive guide to help you beat insomnia this winter.
From innovative mouthguards to bicycle helmets, multiple companies are looking at new ways to prevent concussions. Find out what the future has in store!
Learn about the transformative shifts in how mental health services are being delivered.
From learning to athletic performance, an increasing number of optometrists are starting to integrate vision therapy into their practice. Learn more!
Learn about the broad ways cannabis can promote your health.
Discover the synergistic brain health effects of our daily lifestyle habits.
From brain doping to school accountability laws, discover the reasons why there's been a rise in ADHD diagnosis rates.
Two-time Stanley Cup champion Dan Carcillo explains the surprising challenges of competing at the highest echelons of the NHL.
A quick dive into the main types of psychedelics and their respective therapeutic properties.
Learn about the ways ketamine treatments are being clinically applied for a new kind of mental health treatment.
Discover the key ingredients in the recipe for healthy child development.
Whether good or bad, we can be sure that online games have been a huge part of the digital age, and that they can play a positive role in shaping a person’s personality, or social capability
Get an introduction to the complex and dynamic influences between your brain and body.
There are more and more claims surfacing that we are addicted to technology, but are they true?
Learn how cognition and addiction have a bidirectional interplay.
Find out why remote cognitive training is practical solution for the mental challenges of lockdown.
Check out this comprehensive yet easy to digest guide on how to manage stress.
As seen with famous people from Albert Einstein to Michael Jordan, ADHD can be a strength rather than a hindrance when properly honed.
Find out why getting a restful night's slumber is easier than you think.
People report that their smartphone addiction is making them increasingly hyperactive and distracted. Explore the truth behind these reports!
Learn how CBD business owners are offering consumers relief from mental health issues.
Learn about the pros, cons and potential benefits of remote work.
Between 2007-2014 the number of concussion diagnoses in ages 10-14 increased by 143%
Neuroscience is showing that the chances of getting hurt during performance is likely as much to do with brain fitness, as it is to do with physical fitness
Concussion specialists are examining if playing football is safe for kids. When it comes to the risks involved, see how the subject isn't black and white.
With a reported number somewhere between 1.6 and 3.8 million sports-related concussions occurring in the United States annually, concussion screening in athletes is more crucial than ever.
Prepare to be surprised just how much water influences your grey matter.
A new study may have potentially revealed new avenues for researchers to continue to explore, from different perspectives, the ways in which the brain can itself prevent bipolar disease expression (also referred to as resilience). This gives researchers hope that further exploration might lead to the development of better treatments for the disorder.
Find out how connected the brain and body are in later life.
You might not see it, but your brain physically changes with natural aging.
Learn how this unique neurotechnology is meeting the latest health industry challenges.
Discover the role off-the-shelf neurotech has to play in our 21st century lives.
When asked about what they would do if they noticed some of the most common stroke symptoms, over 70% of a survey respondents would wait for these symptoms to subside.
Discover how health organizations navigate modern-day healthcare delivery.
Discover some of the benefits of this unique herbal supplement.
Cognitive issues are a common side effect of cancer treatments, here is an overview of the benefits of mental training.
Biomedical engineers and physicians from Johns Hopkins have reported on their first successful efforts to wiggle fingers independently of each other and individually, by way of using a mind-controlled prosthetic arm. Is an advancement of this magnitude what we can expect of new age prosthesis or is it something right out of a sci-fi movie?
Discover kratom's active analgesic properties for pain management.
To keep your New Year's resolutions, you're going to need a lot more than willpower! Here's how to trick your brain into sticking to your resolutions.
The effects of burnout aren't just real, they're surprisingly impactful on the economy.
Discover why you have a second brain.
Learn how research is revealing the surprisingly wide influences on your oral microbiota.
Learn how technology influences how physiological and psychological wellness.
Most people have heard of THC as form of cannabis, learn here why HHC is a psychoactively lighter and longer lasting compound of this medical plant.
Check out the latest methods progressive companies are using to keep good care of their employees.
Here is your all-in-one guide to knowing how to keep your immune system in optimal shape.
CBD use for many different types of healthcare need has risen dramatically
Discover how your mouth and brain health are closely connected.
Discover how aging well starts in the brain.
Learn how a Goldilocks approach to physiological stress may help your body reap greater benefits from exercise.
It is an unavoidable fact of life that the natural aging process has a negative effect on the mind. Mental processes begin slowing down in the golden years, and frequently skills like driving and navigating large crowds can begin to decline. But that isn't a guarantee.
C'est officiel, les scientifiques ont teste et confirme en premiere mondiale, la toute premiere interface de machine integree cree afin de controler le corps grace a la pensee.
70% of adults experience at least one serious trauma in their lifetime which can manifest in PTSD. Find out some key lifestyle to help manage this surprisingly common condition.
Maintain safety at work with these 5 ways to be prepared for emergencies.
Learn about the symbiotic dance of yoga and meditation.
Find a practical solution to the fast-paced tornado of modern life.
Get your body moving to get your mind moving.
Learn why everyday falls are the largest health risk in aging, along with practical advice on how to avoid them.
To zap or not to zap...
Neuropsychologists in Brazil suggest that using NeuroTracker for training cognitive processes could be valid for cognitive rehabilitation
The mind controls the body
A newly published study proposed that cognitive training could lead to increased blood flow in the brain - a measure of good brain health.
Find out the many benefits of cognitive training for healthy aging.
It's time to take youth concussion seriously.
The findings of a recent research study found that the parasympathetic nervous system restrains breathing and slows the heart rate of sleeping children that suffer from epilepsy substantially more than that of what is modulated in healthy children.
Discover the promising role of CBD in brain health.
Explore the potential benefits of CBD for holistic brain health.
Find out the key signs to recognize mental health issues.
Countless studies showing that fasting can have numerous major health benefits. But the question is, do these benefits carry over to the brain?
A newly published MRI study shows that brain disorders such as ADHD, Autism and OCD share brain biology characteristics and may lead to a new perspective on how and why these neurological conditions develop in childhood.
The brain maps of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have been proven to show different levels of connectivity between certain areas of the brain compared to those individuals who do not have ASD.
Life is all about balance, and technology use is no difference. Get insights here on how to live well with your mobile phone.
A study showed being watched can deactivate motor-skill areas in the brain. A critical factor was whether a negative or positive perception was involved.
Most people have heard of the term micriobiome, but few know what it is - learn here.
Parents of children with ADHD, often report that their children have sleeping difficulties. New study finally demonstrates a correlation between the two.
A new discovery might allow individuals with disabilities, including paralysis, to be able to use their exoskeletons more efficiently. This revolutionary device might allow disabled individuals to stand on their own two feet again.
A healthy brain is a key factor for overall health. Find out how selecting a few key changes in diet can give your neurons a boost!
Did you know that spinning from a hit can result in a concussion even if the hit wasn't directly to the head? What are some other ways you can get a concussion?
A look at highlights of a plethora of research into the scientific benefits of practicing the ancient art of yoga.
Unfortunately, vision problems relating to brain injuries are often overlooked. For greater awareness, explore the common problems and stay well-informed!
If you looking for know-how to improve your own wellness for sleep, diet, exercise and more, then check out this great resource.
Looking after your microbiome is a great way to take care of your overall health, check out our 5 key tips for the winter months.
Looking to relieve aching or inflamed joints? Then find out why CBD may the ideal natural antidote for you.
Discover how paying a little attention to your circadian rhythm and optimizing your sleep environment can get you back into the habit of high quality sleep.