
Hey there! I’m Sheila Thelen, and let me tell you—I’m OBSESSED with spinning. And not just because I grew up in the world of figure skating, where skaters spin like crazy and never get dizzy. No, no, no! It turns out that spinning is actually a powerful tool for training and optimizing the brain. And when I say powerful, I mean life-changing powerful.

For years, I’ve been working with elite athletes, military personnel, kids with ADHD, individuals with traumatic brain injuries, and even people with early-onset Alzheimer’s. And what have we discovered? Spinning wakes up the brain like NOTHING ELSE. It’s like a cognitive jumpstart—boosting balance, reaction times, and even emotional regulation. It’s been absolutely mind-blowing to see the transformations.

From Figure Skating to Neuroscience: How I Fell Into This Crazy World

So picture this—I’m at a coaching conference years ago, sipping my adult beverage, chatting with some other top-level coaches. And one of them says, “Yeah, my athletes get dizzy all the time.” And I’m like, “WHAT?!? Athletes get dizzy???” Because let me tell you—figure skaters DON’T get dizzy. I had NEVER thought about it before because my skaters could spin all day long and be totally fine.

Cue the giant light bulb moment over my head. Could spinning actually train the brain? Could we take this thing that figure skaters do naturally and apply it to other people—athletes, military members, kids, aging adults—ANYONE WITH A BRAIN?! (Spoiler alert: Yes. Yes, we can.)

The Science Behind Spinning: Why It Works

Okay, so here’s the nerdy part (and I LOVE this part). Spinning activates your vestibular system—that’s the part of your brain responsible for balance, coordination, and spatial awareness. But guess what? It ALSO connects to cognition, attention, and reaction speed. So when we train the vestibular system, we’re actually training the brain to be faster, sharper, and more adaptable.

We use hi-tech specialized gear to provide controlled spinning at really precise speeds, from very gentle rotations, up to super fast spins. Spinning triggers system-wide neurobiological activation, which we see the benefits of in literally just minutes. For example with sensitive balance mats we typically measures immediate boosts in balance and proprioception after a short spin session.

We recently did some case studies with NeuroCatch EEG brain scans and NeuroTracker, and HOLY WOW, the evidence of the benefits were just amazing:

  • Concussion Recovery – We had a guy with multiple concussions (including a brain bleed) do vestibular training. After just a short session, his brain scans looked NORMAL again. Like, completely normal.
  • Cognitive Boosts – Even people with zero history of spinning saw massive improvements in reaction times, focus, and decision-making.
  • Chronic Conditions? No Problem! – We worked with folks who had strokes, early-onset Alzheimer’s, and lifelong neurological issues, and they ALL showed cognitive and physical improvements. Just from spinning!

And to back this up with neuroimaging science—our recent NeuroCatch EEG analysis confirmed what we’ve been seeing firsthand. The scans revealed significant neurophysiological changes in participants before and after vestibular training, particularly in areas linked to sensory processing, attention, and executive function.

One of the most exciting findings? Vestibular stimulation led to increased neural efficiency and improved cognitive performance, even in individuals with previous brain injuries. We saw clear, measurable enhancements in reaction times, brainwave synchronization, and overall cortical engagement—all after just a few minutes of spinning! It’s one thing to see the benefits in person, but having the neuroscience data showing why we see the benefits is just amazing.

Real-Life Success Stories: THIS is Why I Love What I Do

I get to work with some of the most incredible people, and their stories make me want to jump up and down and clap with joy. Here are just a few of my favorites:

1. Thor: The Concussion Survivor Recovery Hero

This guy is 6’5”, built like a superhero, and after a few major concussions, he was struggling. Light sensitivity, brain fog, couldn’t work. Fast forward six months of vestibular training? BOOM. He’s back to work, back to life, and oh yeah—he just qualified for the World Axe Throwing Championships. (Seriously, I couldn’t make this stuff up.)

Here's Thor in on his road to recovery with our Rail Unit spinning gear.

2. The Insane Brainpower of Elite Athletes

Two of my skaters recently did the IMPOSSIBLE. A quad axel—that’s a 36-inch vertical takeoff, landing on a wobble board of an ice skate, spinning four and a quarter times in 0.72 seconds. It’s so insane that even biophysicists said it couldn’t be done. But, HELLO, they grew up on vestibular training. Their brains are supercharged.

3. My 78-Year-Old Mom (a.k.a. The Balance Queen)

Falls are a HUGE problem for older adults. A bad fall can literally change your life. My 78-year-old mom had a very worrying history of multiple falls and major loss of confidence. But after going through a vestibular training program she totally recovered her mobility again. She literally just went on a three-week European river cruise, walked on cobblestone streets, climbed stairs, and didn’t fall ONCE. It's a been game changer for her quality of life.

Here's an example of my spin rehab work with aging populations.

Teaming Up with NeuroTracker: The Future of Brain Training

So here’s the coolest part—we’re teaming up with NeuroTracker to take vestibular training to the next level. We’re combining spinning with cognitive training protocols at a major U.S. fitness chain (can’t say which one yet, but it’s BIG). We’re talking about a total brain workout—training balance, cognition, reaction time, and focus ALL AT ONCE.

My dream? To get vestibular training into every rehab center, gym, and sports training facility. Imagine a world where athletes, concussion survivors, kids with ADHD, and aging adults ALL have access to this kind of brain optimization. That’s the mission!

The Future is Here: Are You Ready to Start Spinning?

For YEARS, fitness has been all about training the body. But what about the brain?!? Vestibular training is changing the game, and the science is backing it up. Whether you’re an athlete, recovering from an injury, struggling with focus, or just looking to future-proof your brain, spinning can help you get there.

Want to learn more? Come join the movement! Visit Vestibular Training Services today and let’s get spinning!


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