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In recent decades neuroscience has developed more quickly than almost all other fields of science. This is important, because with this comes the potential to positively transform our lives through applying neurotechnologies to train the cognitive abilities we rely on in everyday life. Here we will take a look at the approach we have evolved through Optima and with our partner the Neurosens Institute.
Optima was created in 2016 to support children, adolescents and adults in improving their quality of life or their performance. Whatever type of client we work with, the goal is to help them express their best potential.
In particular we strive to take a humanist approach to therapy, with each patient or client being a key player we work with together, to progress towards the benefits they seek.
We first learn about their story and needs, give them an understanding the context of our scientific approach, and form specific objectives for the outcomes we can support them with. Throughout the training process we try to listen and be attentive to each person’s needs.
Our overall approach is about combining different validated training methods developed in Europe and America. However, at the core of our work is specialism in neurofeedback, which aside from being a direct treatment modality, provides a window into the brain so we can monitor progress over time.
Our team has accumulated 11K+ hours of neurofeedback training experience, and has performed more than 1,000 evaluations using quantitative EEG (qEEG).
We first prepare for each session by setting up the equipment, calibrating the sensors specific to the brain regions being trained, and outlining the objectives of the session. Then we perform 7 to 10 supervised sequences of 3 minutes involving videos or specific tasks related to the training objectives.
Lastly the neurofeedback practitioner analyzes changes in brain activity at the end of the training session, reviewing the findings with the client.
Depending on the outcomes and objectives, we may then adapt future sessions with biofeedback techniques like cardiac coherence, cognitive remediation methods, or specific exercises carried out in parallel.
For children with learning difficulties, we offer graphotherapy. This is an effective handwriting rehabilitation program which aids adolescents struggling with handwriting difficulties to find the best balance between speed, readability, comfort and cognitive effort.
We also integrate NeuroTracker with many of our clients, particularly for sports performance training. Through applying this 3D multiple object training paradigm over several hours of distributed training sessions, we typically focus on achieving the following benefits.
• Reinforcement of the perception of the game
• Improved interpretation of body language
• Acceleration of decision-making, without impulsiveness
• Optimization of game opportunities
• Maximization of the level of alertness despite the pressure
• Limiting the impact of sensory distractions
However, with this task the training stimulation is highly adaptive, and numerous scientific studies show it is an effective form of training for many populations. Therefore, we can usually offer it to all of our clients.
Additionally, we are interested in following some of the research which has demonstrated that Neurofeedback can improve learning efficiency with this specific training task.
By constructively integrating a variety of neurotechnologies and training methods into our services we can achieve wider benefits through our Neurolearning Program. Collectively we then strive to maximize positive cognitive traits and minimize negative traits, so that meaningful changes can be optimally applied to most people’s real-life performance needs.
Maximized Positive Traits
• Attention
• Concentration
• Memorization
• Methodology
• Self-esteem
• Communication
• Sleep
Minimized Negative Traits
• Stress
• Anxiety
• Emotivity
• Hyperactivity
• Impulsivity
• Compulsivity
• Procrastination
We are optimistic about the benefits that modern neuroscience and neurotechnologies have to offer in improving people's lives. The pace of research and technology is developing quickly, and the potential is great. However, we believe the true benefits lie in bringing together different techniques into a more holistic approach, so we can optimize each individual’s cognitive abilities according to their particular needs.
From this perspective we are excited to keep on evolving the practical applications of new methods in order to harness the potential benefits. If you are interested in learning more, you can explore our work on our Optima website.
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