10. NeuroTracker Research

Off-Court Generic Perceptual-Cognitive Training in Elite Volleyball Athletes: Task-Specific Effects and Levels of Transfer

July 24, 2019

This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of NeuroTracker training with elite volleyball players as a form of off-court cognitive performance training.

What Was Studied

43 elite volleyball athletes performed pre-post NeuroTracker baselines, along with several transfer tests. The active group completed an 8-week NeuroTracker training program in-between pre-post tests, which also included volleyball specific dual-tasks. The control group did no NeuroTracker training, but completed regular volleyball training.

What Was Found

Controls showed no change in pre-post NeuroTracker baselines, while the active group approximately doubled their NeuroTracker speed thresholds. 2 near transfer tests (letter read out and memory span) showed no significant changes for both groups. However, near transfer tests for sustained attention and processing speed showed significant gains for the NeuroTracker group only.


The researchers concluded that NeuroTracker provides an example of an effective method for improving athletic cognitive capacity with an off-court training intervention.

Reference: Marie-Therese Fleddermann et al. ‘Off-Court Generic Perceptual-Cognitive Training in Elite Volleyball Athletes: Task-Specific Effects and Levels of Transfer’ Movement Science and Sport Psychology, Vol. 10, 2019.

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