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Chiropractic care has long been stigmatized as simply a treatment for joint or muscular pain. However, the latest medical science and progressive applications of this practice tell a very different story. Here I will introduce why modern chiropractic treatments are effective at treating the body via the brain and central nervous system, and how this evolution ‘from pain to brain’ can yield transformative benefits in many aspects of healthcare.
The first school of chiropractic was opened in 1897, born out of the philosophy that the body can be thought of as a "machine". The founder, Daniel David Palmer, treated a man who had partially lost his hearing after a spinal dislocation, which with correction restored his ability to hear.
Ahead of its time, the concept was that joints and subluxations (dislocations) could be manipulated in sync with the central nervous system to treat a wide range of physical conditions. In contrast today, the overwhelming majority of the public believes that chiropractic care is only good for neck and/or low back pain. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The dramatic rise of neuroscience and medical knowledge over the last several decades has revealed the intimate symbioses between brain and body, particularly through the complexity of the central nervous system. This has paved the way for a more holistic approach to healthcare, which goes beyond treating symptoms in an isolated fashion.
For example in sports medicine, research is now demonstrating that ACL injuries impair cognitive functions, which in turn impair motor-skills, significantly prolonging recovery time. Research has also shown that cognitive issues such as micro concussions, can also be the root cause of ACL injuries. This has led to some scientists to redefine ACL injuries as primarily brain injuries.
The latest science is showing that cognitive issues, or the brain’s inability to adapt to, and recover from, mental or physiological stresses, lies at the heart of the majority of chronic health problems.
Progressive chiropractic care today epitomizes this new paradigm. Research shows that chiropractic adjustments can directly and positively influence brain functions, for example boosting activity in the prefrontal cortex (the command centers of the brain). It is now recognized that there is a plethora of different types of medical conditions that can benefit from adjustments, and that these should be focused on influencing the brain and central nervous system.
Ask anyone what controls every function in your entire body and they will surely answer…your brain! This begs an important question - if we know the brain controls and coordinates our entire body, why do so many medical treatments focus on aspects other than brain function?
Just over 7 years ago I transitioned my chiropractic services out of the narrow musculoskeletal paradigm into treating the brain and central nervous system. I founded Truchiro - committed to ‘true’ brain-based chiropractic treatment.
The response was remarkable, leading to successful treatments of over 500 patients per week, with a need to rapidly expand Truchiro services. Today I help countless chiropractors transition their own services to the brain-based approach, including making use of the latest neurotechnologies like EEG and NeuroTracker.
The goal is to break out of the constricting neck/back pain mindset, to bring chiropractic care to a far broader range of people. This is why I phrased the term ‘from pain, to brain’, to move on from treating specific joint or muscle symptoms, to instead treating the person’s overall health.
Using brain-based chiropractic corrective care we have successfully treated a diverse range of medical issues. There are countless success stories, but here are a three which highlight what this kind of approach can offer.
Libby had been suffering from headaches, low back pain, hip pain, shoulders spasms, anxiety, fatigue, depression and gastric reflux for years. During her initial assessment Libby was found to have severe stress on her brain and nervous system via a brain-based chiropractic examination.
Libby accepted a brain-based care plan and committed to it. She saw remarkable results. Following just 6 weeks of care she noticed marked improvement in all the above areas.
Michael came into the office with low back pain, acid reflux (GERD), trouble sleeping and high blood pressure. He had been treated by his primary care physician with prescription drugs, which hadn’t help him at all.
After starting brain-based chiropractic care his lower back was functioning properly again without pain. He no longer needed his sleeping medication and found relief from his acid reflux. Michael followed our brain-based chiropractic corrective plan and never missed an appointment - he continues to maintain his progress and overall health with ongoing visits.
Lori came into the office because she was suffering with severe pain in her neck, shoulders, back and legs. She had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. On a scale of 1 to 10 that pain was a 10 when she first came into the office. She had been seeing a rheumatologist and was getting treated with anesthesia shots in her shoulders and low back every 4 months, as well as taking anti-inflammatories, but without relief.
After approximately 12 months of brain-based chiropractic care and getting her specific, scientific chiropractic adjustments, Lori hasn’t needed a shot or any drugs in over 8 months. Lori said, “The care is a gentle and less intrusive way to help my body feel and function better. It’s helped me more than any of my drugs did.”
Here are some of the key benefits for chiropractic services when shifting from pain to brain.
- Chiropractic adjustments are much more effective, leading to better results.
- Patients learn that the chiropractic adjustment is about the brain and not just pain.
- Patient progress can be objectively measure and tracked from a brain-based standpoint.
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