News and information on the brain, wellness and health that promotes a fuller and happier life.

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Sammy Oh, Ph.D., DNM, CBS
September 13, 2024
Achieving Breakthrough Success With ADHD

Learn about the story of a clinician developing advanced ADHD therapies out of her own family's struggles.

When anyone has mental health problems they cannot live their full potential, and I’ve seen first-hand that some conditions are like having a life taken away from you, especially when symptoms are full blown. ADHD is a mental health condition that is surprisingly common in younger people and can deeply affect quality of life when severe and untreated, as well as involve other mental and physical health conditions. Here I’d like to share insights on what I found in my clinical practice to be a breakthrough approach to ADHD therapy, which can help those suffering to achieve a meaningful and successful life.

Health and Wellbeing from a Brain Perspective

From day one my interest in health has been focused on the brain.

My interest stems from my whole family having ADHD. You can imagine the chaos! Personally I had constant concentration issues, yet would obsessively over-think things that were not important. This made stress management with my family a huge challenge, and the day-to-day unpredictability meant I couldn't really plan my life at all.

Fortunately, this originally got me into Neurofeedback in order manage my own stress, and from that point on I was interested to learn medicine alongside how new technologies can help brain conditions as well as for performing better in daily life.

From neurofeedback I went on to study natural medicine from the perspective of helping to regulate brain chemistry. Then I studied medical grade bioscanning methods, and continue to develop novel yet effective treatment methods that work best when they are combined together.

Starting Professional Practice

From my own difficulties leading to finding solutions that worked, I began to realize there was something important I can offer from what I learned and applied. I felt compelled to share it and dedicate my professional life in this area.

I started my first clinic in 2006 as a biofeedback specialist with a focus on solutions that help with depression, anxiety, ADHD and mental health conditions such as trauma. However I realized that biofeedback has limitations, principally because it's a subtle technique that takes time to build-up for these types of treatments.

This led me on the path to developing a health optimizing clinic progressively combining the different methods I outlined. So I made investments to do advanced medical studies at leading institutions in Germany and Switzerland over 7 years, and became a doctor of natural medicine and also a functional nutritionist, bringing in the dimensions of physiology and brain chemistry.

I learned to incorporate the latest methods such as laser stimulation and electromagnetic treatments to improve cell regulation and the capacity of cells to actually absorb nutrients put into the system, which naturally went hand-in-hand with nutritional management.

A Brain Journey

This journey of my constantly evolving my clinical practice is a progressive kind of endless learning, partly because science and technology are always developing, so you never stand still. It's also very brain focused, because the brain along with the central nervous system regulates almost everything in the body. Brain functioning in itself is complex, because it is so important to approach mental conditions from both the psychological and the cognitive dimensions of wellbeing.

For example, if brainwaves are out of sync even when someone gets a full night sleep, they don't get adequate restoration and cellular repair, which leads to compensation in the daytime. Over time this causes mental fatigue, which is only made worse when trying to overcome it with mental effort.

Research shows that this can progress to a feeling of helplessness, because when a person tries therapy and it doesn’t work, they then try even harder and it still doesn't work. Then if nothing feels like it working over time it can lead to depression due to lack of hope.

Discovering The Therapeutic Power of NeuroTracker

When I first came across NeuroTracker in my constant search for emerging neurotechnologies, I was already confident it would be valuable simply because it had scientific backing the likes I’d never seen with any other therapy tool. In fact I was shocked - how can one company have this much independently validated research?

I got to discover how valuable a therapy it really is because I had already experienced a very severe traumatic brain injury. I was crossing the road one day and a truck ran through a red light and hit me from behind.

Determined to get better I worked with 11 doctors and two neurologists in Canada that I put faith into. But after a year and a half there was no progress and no solution they could offer, other than simply waiting for the injury to heal. In the end I felt devastated, but this eventually convinced me I need to take recovery into my own hands because conventional medical treatment simply had nothing left to offer.

It was then that my experience of using NeuroTracker stood out as very different to all the other things I’d come across. In the beginning I could only manage small amounts of training because of my cognitive symptoms, just one 6-minute session every other day.

A week later I realized that my eye movement was smoother for sure. Then I felt my brain a little sharper. Then my mobility and my hand-eye coordination problems improved – for example I was able to use a knife again while eating within 2 weeks of training. And overall my motor control continued to get better over time, along with reduced visual and cognitive fatigue.

I also noticed the rising increase in brain performance with Neurofeedback, which it worked well synergistically with, so I began to integrate it with patients as well as for myself.

For me it was a great discovery, not just because it helped me finally begin the path to recovery, but because it was a role model therapy for what my clinical practice is all about, and it fit perfectly with my quest to develop the best treatment possible for ADHD patients through a specialized clinic.

The Breakthrough ADHD Center Method

Our approach at the ADHD Breakthrough Center is based around the goal of offering patients comprehensive therapy by first assessing their needs across a wide spectrum. We believe it is essentially to genuinely try and understand the patients’ real challenges and provide multiple solutions.

Perhaps one aspect which makes us most different from other services is what we call our assessment of each person’s ‘Unique Brain Code’.

Principally this allows us to move past the sometimes linear focus on attention deficit and hyper-impulsivity. Because in reality the latest research shows that ADHD is typically comorbid with many other neuropsychological, behavioral and even physiological conditions, that often get overlooked. Yet these critically need to be addressed to help patients get lifelong benefits from therapeutic interventions.

For example, I see ADHD clients that have specific problems with grammatical reasoning, or spatial awareness. Sometimes they actually have an unresolved post-concussion issue, or severe allergies because of impaired immune system. Or it maybe that they have some form of parasitic infections, or simply that their oxygen levels are really low. Then there are more common issues like associated anxiety, depression and trauma, which can be bigger problems in their own right.

So the norm is actually quite complex, but fundamental to understand at the outset. This is why we always start with a comprehensive multidimensional assessment of holistic cognitive functions and physiological health.

From this we determine our Unique Brain Code to work from, why I believe is a key difference in the success of our applied range of therapies.

Here is an overview of our assessment approach, along with the therapies we mix and matched according to our clients needs and their realistic budgets.

Unique Brain Code Assessment

• Get a complete picture of disease history.

• Full mental health examination

• Comprehensive cognitive assessment.

• Bioscan assessment to understand biochemistry composition

• Functional brain wave assessment

• Focused examination of cognitive deficits

Therapeutic Interventions

• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

• Mental health counseling

• Cognitive training for strengthening mental performance and CNS functioning

• Specific skill building for cognitive deficits

• Neurofeedback to normalize and optimize brain wave frequencies

• Nutritional management

• Natural medicine

The goal is consolidating everything we learn into the therapeutic aspects into one integrated approach, with brain health at the center.

Charles - ADHD Breakthrough Center Case Report

A nice example of our treatment approach was with a 12 years old gifted ADHD child that we’ll call Charles.

Charles’ mother brought him for therapy after he was almost expelled from school, labeled as defiant. He was very easily distracted, had a very short attention span, but with hyper focus on certain things he was especially interested in.

Overall Charles was a highly sensitive child with a lot of control and mood issues, escalating anger problems accompanied with meltdowns, severe digestion problems with high susceptibility to getting flus, and major insomnia since infancy. He also had movement and coordination problems, for instance being unable to play any kind of ball game because he couldn't catch the ball.

So once we did a thorough assessment of his Unique Brain Code. One thing that stood out from the beginning was he that had a the profile of a very gifted child, which had not been recognized by anyone other than by his mother.

We also found that Charles experienced extreme sensory overload - seeing, hearing and feeling everything without being able to filter.

We determined that the core treatment modalities to deal with his condition was Neurofeedback and NeuroTracker training, cognitive behavioral therapy and nutritional management to improve digestion.

Additional family counseling was recommended, especially around the need to understand how to talk to Charles based on a deeper understanding of what his real problems were.

With this treatment program we saw a spectrum of benefits emerge over different timescales.

• First we saw movement and coordination gains after 3 weeks of NeuroTracker training. Walking and gait improved noticeably, and Charles could now play games catching balls with his father, which was a lot of fun for both of them.

• His digestion was improved by around 80 percent within four weeks of the new dietary program.

• Within six weeks Charles’ attention was improved by over 50%. Cognitively his concentration levels and academic performance improved continuously, along with increased psychological energy.

• Within three months his hidden leadership abilities started to emerge, and he was able to differentiate himself from others in terms of his talents. Perhaps most importantly he was able to share the perspective references of other people, and interpret them without distortion.

Overall, there were large objective and subjective improvements in assessments of Charles’ movement, mood, confidence, self-esteem, communication and social skills, academic performance and general health.

Fast forward about a year later and Charles was actually achieving straight A's at school and getting offers from prestigious schools!

This was one case where the mother was extremely happy with the transformation, she reported often crying tears of happiness and relief when he came home from school, no longer having to worry about the stress of meltdowns.

What we learned in Charles’ case was how important it was to deeply understand the complexity of his physiological, cognitive, psychological and social challenges, in order to apply appropriate treatments to unlock a trapped child. This is our commitment to all our patients and their families that we help.

Going Forward

Science and technology are continuously changing the face of medicine. On one hand there is the path to explore new technologies to kind of branch out, on the other hand there is a lot of value still to gain in consolidating and better integrating how existing therapies are applied. For example, with NeuroTracker I see strong potential as functional biomarker or brain health, which is why we’ve started using it as our one of our baselines.

Then also continuing to solve two key problems, which is one, that different medical disciplines tend not to work well together, and two, oversimplification of medical issues and respective solutions. This is a key factor in how we are evolving our Unique Brain Code approach, we desperately want to avoid guesstimating, and instead be able to effectively focus on precise medical solutions for each patient we help.

It’s an continuous journey to discover more, know more in practice, and be more precise in terms of treatments.

If you are interested to learn more how our integrated services and remote therapies can help you or you family, then visit our website where you can take an ADHD survey and book a free discovery call with me.

Breakthrough ADHD Center

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Sports Vision Training Isn’t Just for Athletes

Discover how the benefits of perceptual-cognitive training are moving beyond sports and into all aspects of our lives.

You’ve likely been reliant on vision since the day you were born. That said it’s quite possible you didn’t know vision could be trained, that you haven’t heard of sports vision training, or that you’ve ever thought training vision is something which could helpful in everyday life. As owner of a progressive chain of performance optometry practices, I’ve learnt first-hand why that is indeed the case. Here I’ll cover the key principles of vision and sports vision training, then outline why it holds so much potential outside of sports.

I See Everything, Isn't that Enough?

Most people tend to think that as long as they can see normally that’s good enough. And if they can’t see normally then an optician or optometrist can correct any issues. However the assumption here is that good vision is about seeing details clearly, which is a misassumption. In fact, a person's central visual acuity represents only a small portion of vision.

For example, in most situations the ability to perceive the velocity and motion trajectories of objects and surroundings is critical – you simply wouldn’t be able to drive a car without it. But other visual skills like contrast sensitivity, depth perception, focusing, ocular dominance and hand-eye coordination are just as important. It’s the whole panoply of these perceptual skills which we rely on to perform well in real-world activities. In most circumstances, the better your overall visual capacities, the better you can perform.

Can Vision Really be Improved?

A following misassumption is that once your vision is functioning healthily, it cannot be significantly improved. From a pure optometry perspective this was a long running debate, but the rise of neuroscience has broadened the paradigm of vision.

Firstly, this is because of the discovery of neuroplasticity and the central role it plays in how our brain learns, adapts and evolves at a neurobiological level, in response to how it’s is stimulated. This also includes neurogenesis, which is essentially the responsive growth of new neurons (mostly related to memory).

Secondly, it’s because investigating vision beyond the ocular level revealed that the brain segments core aspects of vision and has dedicated areas for processing them individually, before they are reintegrated to provide cohesive visual perceptions.

These factors combined mean that you can train specific aspects of visual processing, and improve them through neuroplastic adaptations.

What is Sports Vision Training?

If you’re a sports coach then you’ll likely recognize that this opens up vision to the sports science principles of isolation and progressive overload, which is what the majority of coaching practices utilize in performance training. However rather than sports scientists, it has been forward thinking vision specialists who have taken the initiative to synthesize optometry approaches with neuroscience and sports science, to give rise to the trend most commonly referred to as ‘sports vision training’.

The main characteristics of sports vision training are:-

1. Assessing visual capacities in detail

2. Detecting weaknesses and/or identifying abilities of key importance

3. Using specificity training to build-up those abilities for better overall visual performance

This methodology encompasses vision at both the level of the eye and the brain, and typically involves applying a combination of optometry tools and neurotechnologies for both assessment and conditioning.

Advanced practices of sports vision training also take into consideration neurophysical demands, such as balance, proprioception and complex motor-skills. These skills not only rely on visual processes, but from a neurological perspective, also tap into shared attentional resources. For instance, one study showed that susceptibility to ACL injuries tends to be hidden until a person engages in a complex visual task, which only then allows critical motor-skill weaknesses to be revealed.

Our Approach at eye4Vision

Our goal at eye4Vision practices in the Netherlands has been to evolve and apply the sports vision training paradigm to the best of our expertise. Over many years we have developed a range of sports vision training programs centered around training vision progressively from the level of hardware (ocular systems) through to software (the brain’s visual centers), which collectively form one of the most sophisticated masterpieces of human biology.

One neurotechnology we find especially useful and use with almost all our clients is NeuroTracker. It’s a cognitive exercise which tests a person’s ability to track complex motion in 3D space. It not only improves high-level visuo-cognitive skills very efficiently, it also provides scientific measures of those skills for both profiling and monitoring each client’s progress over time. Similarly, the Dynavision D2 system is something we find useful to test and hone visuo-motor reaction skills.

Overall we believe our programs are unique, highly effective, and that we provide a valuable role model in the field of visual and cognitive sports training. We also conduct research to demonstrate the transfer efficacy of applied training, for example our pilot programs with our elite Dutch Counter-terrorism teams, DSI and NLMarsof, resulted in significant improvements in shooting accuracy and situational as well tactical awareness.

Individualized Training

Our first step is always an extensive assessment of each individuals’ spectrum of visual capacities. Rather than asking the question will vision training work for a given individual, we ask how do we make it work the best for the individual.  For this reason we give athletes and coaches complete insight into the visual and cognitive skills we assess.

From there we customize the training program, tailoring it to both the needs of the individual, and to their current strengths and weaknesses. Just as the physical demands of different sports vary, likewise do the visual and cognitive demands (though most coaches rarely take this into account). Here is an example comparison of how visual performance demands vary from sport to sport.

This is why we have carefully crafted specific programs that optimize training to the needs of specific sports or positions on the field or ice, which make up our eye4Sport programs.

The Benefits

Generally speaking, the biggest gains with training tend to be in depth and speed perception, reaction and concentration, focus, eye-hand coordination and peripheral awareness, which we can demonstrate are clearly improved.

Then the aim is to structure the training so that newly acquired skills are fully automated. Once the gains are consolidated, these improvements in visual skills can be maintained by simply incorporating one or two key exercises into daily training. Overall athletes commonly experience the biggest benefits in maintaining situational awareness under the demands of high-pressure competition, allowing them to make more accurate decisions and execute the correct actions in complex situations more rapidly.

The takeaway? eye4Sport training turns a good athlete into an even better athlete, which is why it has been so successful and why many of our top athletes have made it an integral part of their performance regimes.

Beyond Sports

That said, the ability to focus, be attentive, and be situationally aware are skills most of us need, or would like to have, in all kinds of different situations. So, to address the title of this blog, our bigger takeaway was the value of applying sports vision training beyond sports.

Concussion Rehab - a great example of how we have had made strides in applying this crossover for our clients is with cases of complex concussions. These are notoriously difficult to treat, with debilitating symptoms often lasting months. Even after recovery from symptoms, the risk of relapse is a real challenge. With sports vision training techniques we have seen a dramatic improvement, treating over 1,000 patients with unprecedented success.

Long COVID Rehab - also very heartening is that we are having similar success treating COVID related wellness issues like depression and anxiety. Which although unorthodox, these can also be thought of as neurological related injuries, as they can result in very real structural changes in the brain, that can actually be rewired to allow recovery to take place.

Better Vision, Better Living

Our eye4Vision services have been expanded to offer specialized programs dedicated to the following human performance and wellness needs.

• eye4Sports – athletic performance training and injury rehabilitation

• eye4Tactical – training skills for special forces, police and tactical professions

• eye4Work – corporate and career performance and wellness (particularly for burnout)

• eye4Learn – academic performance, learning and reading difficulties

• eye4Health – recovering from mild cognitive impairments in aging for quality of life

Based on the positive results we are getting across all domains this approach has been going from strength to strength. The conclusion is clear - the latest research and techniques that have been developed to enhance athletic abilities, transfer very positively to many other aspects of our modern lives.

The benefits of sports vision training aren’t just for athletes, they’re for pretty much anyone with vision.

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Mick Clegg
September 2, 2024
Actualizing Peak Performance with Holistic Soccer Training

Discover 3 maxims on integrated brain-body soccer training from a world-class expert.

As a power development coach who has had the privilege of working with some of the best athletes in the world, including many stars of Manchester United FC, I've come to realize that true athletic greatness doesn't just come from training harder or longer. It's about understanding and honing the entire system of the human body and mind. Here I want to share three maxims I have learned over 4+ decades of coaching. These go beyond contemporary sports science and traditional coaching, and they are insights that have shaped my career and helped many athletes actualize potential they'd never tapped into.

Maxim 1 - The Brain-Body Connection is Key to Exceptional Performance

When I started coaching, like many, I focused primarily on the physical aspects of training—strength, speed, agility. But as I worked with top-tier athletes, I began to notice something critical: physical training alone isn't enough. You can have the strongest, fastest player on the field, but if they can't think quickly, stay focused, and make the right decisions under pressure, their physical abilities won't count for much.

I learned early on that the brain is the control center for everything an athlete does. Every sprint, every tackle, every goal—it's all initiated by the brain. So, why wouldn't we train the brain just as rigorously as we train the body?

Take Cristiano Ronaldo, for example. When he first came to Manchester United, he was an incredibly gifted young player—fast, agile, with unbelievable skill. But what set him apart, and what made him into one of the greatest players in history, was his dedication to training his brain. We worked on visualization techniques, reaction drills, and exercises designed to improve his mental focus and decision-making under pressure.

Ronaldo understood that the brain is a muscle, just like the biceps or the quadriceps, and it needs to be trained to work effectively with the body. That commitment to holistic training is what took him to the next level.

Maxim 2 - Integrate Training Beyond the Physical

Traditional sports training often focuses on compartmentalizing the body and mind. You have your strength coaches, your technical coaches, and maybe a psychologist to help with the mental side. But what I've learned through years of experience is that these components aren't separate—they're interconnected. You can't develop a great soccer player by just working on one aspect. You need to look at the athlete as a whole person.

For example, I developed a training approach that involves integrating cognitive drills into physical exercises. I might have a player perform a complex movement, like dribbling through a series of cones, while simultaneously processing different visual or auditory cues. This kind of training is designed to improve not just their physical agility but also their brain's ability to process information quickly and make split-second decisions—just like they would need to do in a match.

Here is an example of neurophysical agility and power drills with NeuroTracker, a tool I discovered at the University of Montreal.

A story that always sticks with me is that of Ryan Giggs. Ryan was an incredible athlete, but what made him stand out was his ability to maintain composure and clarity of thought in high-pressure situations. We worked a lot on mindfulness techniques, helping him to stay present and focused, even when the game was on a knife edge.

This ability to remain calm and think clearly in stressful situations is a direct result of training the brain, not just the body.

Maxim 3 – Apply a Holistic Approach to Performance

What I've come to understand is that many in the sports world are still stuck in an outdated mindset. They think that if a player is physically strong and technically skilled, that's all that matters. But I believe we need to challenge that status quo, which focuses on separating and isolating aspects of performance training, rather than integrating them in ways they literally have to be applied in real-world competitions. From this angle, we're just scratching the surface of what's possible in human performance.

One of the unique aspects of my approach is recognizing the importance of emotional and psychological development. I often talk about "emotional fitness"—the ability of an athlete to regulate their emotions, stay motivated, and maintain a positive mindset, even when things aren't going their way. This isn't just some soft, feel-good talk; it's based on solid science. Emotional states can affect muscle tension, reaction times, and even decision-making. By training athletes to manage their emotions, we're not just helping them feel better—we're enhancing their overall performance.

When I worked with Wayne Rooney, I saw firsthand how emotional control could influence performance. Wayne was a passionate player, sometimes too passionate. We worked on channeling that energy, using techniques like controlled breathing and visualization to help him stay focused and composed, even in the heat of the moment. It wasn't just about calming him down; it was about harnessing that emotional intensity and using it to his advantage on the pitch.

Synergizing Mind, Body, and Spirit

As we move forward in the world of sports, I believe more coaches and athletes will start to see the value of this holistic approach. It's not about discarding the old methods; it's about building on them, evolving new ideas, and understanding that true performance comes from aligning the mind, body, and spirit.

I've had the privilege of working with some of the best, but what excites me the most is knowing we are certainly not at end point in human performance development - there's still so much more to discover. The human body and mind are capable of incredible things, and I believe we're only just beginning to understand the true potential of holistic training.

So, what's the takeaway for coaches and athletes reading this?

1. Condition the Brain: Don't just focus on physical skills—develop the brain's ability to process information quickly and make good decisions under pressure.

2. Integrate Cognitive and Physical Training: Combine mental and physical exercises in your training routines to create a more well-rounded athlete.

3. Embrace a Holistic Approach: Understand that every part of an athlete contributes to their overall performance, especially teach athletes to manage their emotional states in high-pressure situations.

In the end, remember this: great athletes aren't just born - they're developed through a process that nurtures every part of who they are. And that's key to actualizing peak performance.

If you'd like to learn more about my performance philosophy, then check out a review of my book here.

NeuroTrackerX Team
August 23, 2024
10 Surprising Neuroscience Findings About Your Remarkable Brain

Here are some fascinating neuroscience findings about the human brain that you may not know.

The human brain is often regarded as the most complex organ in the body, and it's no wonder why. With its 86 billion neurons and trillions of synaptic connections, the brain is capable of extraordinary feats, from orchestrating our every move to creating our memories and emotions. Despite decades of research, the brain continues to surprise us with its secrets. Here are some fascinating neuroscience findings about the human brain that you may not know.

1. Humans May Have Magnetoreception Like Birds

It's long been known that many animals, like birds and sea turtles, can sense the Earth's magnetic field to navigate their environments. Surprisingly, recent research suggests that humans may possess a weak form of this ability too. A 2019 study published in the journal eNeuro showed that certain human brain cells, specifically in the visual cortex, respond to changes in magnetic fields. This study, led by a team from Caltech, found that participants showed distinct changes in brainwave patterns when exposed to a rotating magnetic field. These findings suggest that humans might have a subconscious ability to sense geomagnetic fields, although the function of this ability remains unclear. Could this be an ancient survival trait, or does it play a subtle role in our spatial orientation? The full potential of this sense is still being explored, but it is a surprising addition to the list of human sensory abilities!

2. You Have "Mini-Brains" in Your Gut

Have you ever had a "gut feeling" about something? Your gut might actually be more perceptive than you think! The enteric nervous system, often referred to as the "second brain," contains over 100 million neurons—more than the spinal cord. This intricate network not only controls digestion but also communicates directly with the brain via the vagus nerve. Recent studies suggest that the gut-brain axis plays a crucial role in emotional regulation and even cognitive functions. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation in 2022 indicates that the gut microbiome's composition can affect mood and behavior, linking gut health directly to mental health. This connection has opened up new avenues for understanding disorders like anxiety, depression, and even neurodegenerative diseases.

3. The Brain Processes Visual Information Backwards

A lesser-known fact about the brain's visual processing might surprise you: the brain processes what you see in reverse. When light hits the retina, it's converted into electrical signals that travel to the primary visual cortex at the back of the brain. From there, these signals are forwarded to the front part of the brain for interpretation. This reverse processing means our brain is constantly flipping and reinterpreting images to create a coherent visual experience. Moreover, a recent study published in Nature Neuroscience revealed that this process is even more complex than previously thought, involving multiple feedback loops that refine our perception based on prior knowledge and expectations.

4. The Brain is an Energy Hog

Despite making up only about 2% of a person's body weight, the human brain consumes a staggering 20% of the body's total energy. This might seem excessive until you consider the brain's ceaseless activity—even during sleep, it’s busy processing information and maintaining essential functions. Recent findings in Current Biology have shown that a significant portion of this energy is dedicated to maintaining the "default mode network," a network of interconnected brain regions involved in self-referential thought, memory, and daydreaming. This high energy demand highlights the brain's constant state of readiness and the incredible amount of work it does even when we think we are "doing nothing."

5. Sleep Clears Toxins from the Brain

We all know sleep is vital for health, but it also plays a critical role in maintaining brain health. During sleep, the brain undergoes a cleansing process called the glymphatic system, which washes away toxic proteins and metabolic waste. A groundbreaking study published in Science in 2020 found that this process is particularly effective at clearing away beta-amyloid, a protein associated with Alzheimer's disease. This discovery underscores the importance of quality sleep for cognitive function and highlights sleep as a potential target for preventing neurodegenerative diseases.

6. Your Brain Has a Built-in GPS System

Have you ever wondered how some people have a knack for navigation? It turns out our brains have a dedicated system for spatial awareness, centered in the hippocampus. Within this region are specialized neurons called "place cells" that help us understand our position in space. Additionally, "grid cells" in the entorhinal cortex create a mental map, allowing for precise navigation. Recent research from a 2021 study in Nature has shown that this system is even more sophisticated than previously thought, with these cells encoding not just location but also time and experience, enabling us to navigate through both space and time.

7. The Brain Can Predict the Future

It might sound like science fiction, but your brain is constantly predicting the future. This process, known as predictive coding, involves using past experiences to anticipate what will happen next. It allows for rapid decision-making and helps us react quickly to changes in our environment. A study in Nature Communications in 2022 revealed that the brain uses a network of regions, including the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia, to generate these predictions. This ability to anticipate and adjust our behavior is fundamental to learning and adapting to new situations.

8. Different Parts of the Brain Age at Different Rates

The aging process affects different parts of the brain at varying rates, which might explain why some cognitive functions decline while others remain intact. A 2021 study in Nature Neuroscience found that while the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making and complex thought, tends to shrink with age, other regions like the cerebellum, which coordinates movement, remain relatively preserved. This uneven aging pattern suggests that engaging in activities that stimulate different brain areas—such as physical exercise and challenging mental activities—can help maintain cognitive function as we age.

9. The "Jennifer Aniston Neuron" Phenomenon

One of the most intriguing discoveries in neuroscience is the existence of highly specialized neurons that respond to specific people or concepts. In a famous 2005 study, researchers identified neurons in the medial temporal lobe that only responded when subjects were shown pictures of or heard references to actress Jennifer Aniston. This suggests that certain neurons are tuned to recognize very specific, familiar stimuli, hinting at how the brain might efficiently store and retrieve memories. This phenomenon also raises fascinating questions about the neural basis of recognition and memory.

10. Your Brain is Wired to Forget

Forgetting might seem like a nuisance, but it is actually a crucial function of the brain. A 2022 study published in Neuron suggests that forgetting is an active process that helps the brain manage the vast amounts of information it encounters daily. By forgetting irrelevant information, the brain frees up resources to focus on what's truly important, allowing for more flexible thinking and learning. This deliberate forgetting process is thought to be mediated by specific molecular pathways that actively erase or suppress memories.

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Mick Clegg
August 16, 2024
Training the Mind and Body to Leverage Your Brain Power in Soccer Performance

Vanguard training insights from a leader in brain-body human performance.

When it comes to elite sports, especially a game as dynamic and demanding as soccer, every little edge can make a huge difference. Over the years, working with some of the best footballers in the world at Manchester United, I’ve come to realize something crucial: the secret to unlocking true athletic potential isn’t just in training the body—it’s in training the brain as well.

Now, this might sound a bit unconventional. Traditional sports science and coaching focus heavily on physical attributes like strength, speed, and endurance. These are important, no doubt about it. But what I’ve discovered is that these attributes are only part of the story. The real key to unlocking an athlete’s full potential lies in understanding and enhancing the brain’s role in athletic performance. The brain is the command center, the control room, where every movement, decision, and reaction originates. So, if we want to push the boundaries of what’s possible on the pitch, we need to start by focusing on the brain.

The Brain-Body Connection as the Foundation of Performance

Let me start with something simple but incredibly important: the brain-body connection. This is where it all begins. When you want to move, it’s your brain that sends signals down to your muscles. These signals tell your muscles to contract, to relax, to move. If you want to be faster, stronger, or more precise, the first step isn’t just about building muscle—it’s about improving the efficiency and power of those signals.

Think about this: Imagine a neuron in your brain connected to a muscle fiber. When your brain decides to move, it sends a signal down this neuron, causing the muscle fiber to contract and move the joint. Simple, right? But here’s the thing—in a sport like soccer, where every movement needs to be powerful, precise, and coordinated, one neuron and one muscle fiber just aren’t enough. Multiple neurons need to be activated simultaneously, connecting to many muscle fibers to create the kind of movements top-level athletes rely on.

But it’s not just a biological process. There’s an emotional and psychological component to it, too. When an athlete truly understands this connection, they can focus their mental energy on maximizing it. It’s not just about knowing what your body is doing; it’s about feeling and directing that process with your mind.

Wiring the Brain for Performance

Now, let’s talk about axons. These are the long, thread-like parts of a nerve cell that connect neurons together and transmit signals between them. In sports, axons are crucial because they ensure that multiple neurons fire in unison, allowing for smooth, coordinated movements.

Think of axons as the electrical wiring that connects all the different parts of your brain and body. When you perform an exercise, like a squat, you’re not just working one muscle. You’re activating a whole network of neurons, all connected by axons, to generate the necessary force.

This networked approach to movement is especially important in soccer, where complex, multi-directional movements are the norm. Whether it’s a sudden change of direction, a powerful shot, or a precise pass, these actions require the seamless integration of multiple muscle groups, all controlled by a highly coordinated neural network.

Take the example of a squat—a foundational movement in many sports, but especially crucial in soccer. The squat isn’t just about strengthening the legs; it’s about training the brain to efficiently recruit and coordinate all the necessary muscle fibers. By understanding how neurons and axons work together, athletes can train their bodies to perform these movements more powerfully and efficiently.

But here’s something that often gets overlooked: it’s not just about perfecting individual exercises—it’s about understanding the transitions between them. In soccer, players are constantly moving from one action to another—running, jumping, turning, kicking—often in the span of just a few seconds. To optimize performance, these transitions must be as smooth and efficient as possible.

Leveraging Transitional Axons for Fluid, Explosive Movements

This brings me to the concept of “transitional axons.” These are the neural connections that enable an athlete to move seamlessly from one exercise or movement to the next. In soccer, this might mean transitioning from a squat into a sprint or from a lateral movement into a jump. The key is to train these transitions so that they become automatic and efficient.

Think about a player like Cristiano Ronaldo. He’s not just strong or fast—he’s incredibly fluid. He can go from a squat to a sprint, to a jump, to a header, all in one smooth motion. That’s because his brain has been trained to make those transitions effortlessly. It’s not just about how much you can lift in the gym; it’s about how well you can move on the pitch. That’s why I emphasize “splicing” exercises together—combining multiple movements into one fluid sequence.

This is where traditional strength and conditioning often falls short. Many programs focus on isolated exercises, like deadlifts or bench presses, without considering how those movements translate to the actual demands of the sport. In football, it’s not about how much you can deadlift—it’s about how well you can move and your power efficiency. You need strength, but it has to be functional strength combined with speed. This way you can leverage yourstrength as power that you can apply on the pitch, in real game situations.

Making Every Exercise Count Through Training Specificity

One of my biggest criticisms of traditional sports training is that it often includes exercises that have little to do with the actual demands of the sport. In soccer, for example, I question the value of heavy weightlifting exercises that don’t translate to the quick, explosive movements required on the field.

There’s a lot of wasted energy in traditional training programs. If you’re doing exercises that don’t directly improve your performance on the pitch, you’re not just wasting time—you’re draining energy that could be used for more important things. Instead, I advocate for a more targeted approach—one that focuses on exercises and movements that directly relate to the specific demands of soccer. This includes not only strengthening the muscles used in the sport but also training the brain to execute those movements more efficiently.

The best training programs are those that mimic the actions you’ll actually be doing in your sport. In soccer, that means working on things like explosive sprints, quick changes of direction, and powerful, precise shots. Every exercise should have a purpose—every movement should contribute to your ability to perform on the pitch.

Knowledge is Power - Understand the Methodologies of Your Training

Let me leave you with this thought: knowledge is power—literally. When athletes understand the science behind their training, they can focus their energy and attention more effectively, leading to better results. When an athlete knows what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, their concentration improves, and they can push themselves further. It’s not just about going through the motions—it’s about being fully engaged in the process.

During my time at Manchester United, I worked with some of the world’s best players where we forged a culture around these principles. I noticed that those who took the time to understand the reasoning behind their training—who really grasped the connection between brain and body—were often the ones who made the most significant progress. When players understand the why behind their training, they train harder, they train smarter, and they see better results. It’s that simple.

Key Takeaways for Putting Everything Into Practice

So as as a coach or athlete, what can you do with these insights? Here are some key points to remember.

1. Train the Brain as Much as the Body: Don’t overlook the importance of the brain in athletic performance. The more efficiently your brain can send signals to your muscles, the better your performance will be.

2. Understand the Role of Axons and Neurons: Recognize that athletic movements aren’t just about muscles—they’re about the neural connections that control those muscles. Train these connections to work together seamlessly for optimal performance.

3. Focus on Transitional Movements: In sports like soccer, it’s not just about individual exercises—it’s about how you transition from one movement to the next. Train these transitions to be as smooth and efficient as possible.

4. Prioritize Sport-Specific Training: Make sure your training is directly relevant to the demands of your sport. Avoid exercises that don’t translate to better performance on the field.

5. Knowledge is Power: Take the time to understand the science behind your training. When you know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, you’ll train more effectively and see better results.

Remember, true athletic excellence requires more than just physical training—it requires a deep understanding of the brain-body connection. By focusing on the neural aspects of movement, you can unlock new levels of power, efficiency, and skill, taking your performance to the next level. So, as you continue your training, don’t just train harder—train smarter. And don’t forget to include your brain in the process!

Learn more at my Seed of Speed website.

NeuroTrackerX Team
August 9, 2024
Understanding How to Personally Optimize Your Hydration

Hydration is not a case of one-size-fits-all. Discover key know-how for personally optimizing your fluid intake.

Hydration is critical for maintaining optimal health, yet it's often misunderstood or oversimplified as just "drinking water." In reality, proper hydration is a complex balance of fluids and electrolytes that varies significantly depending on individual needs, lifestyles, and environmental factors. He we will cover various hydration methods, comparing options like water, electrolyte supplements, and isotonic drinks. We’ll delve into the science behind salt’s role in hydration and discuss how genetic factors, sweat rate, and salt concentration in sweat determine your optimal hydration strategy, along with different lifestyles and climates.

The Science of Hydration and the Role of Salt

Hydration is more than just replenishing fluids; it's about maintaining the balance of electrolytes, particularly sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. These electrolytes play crucial roles in muscle function, nerve signaling, and maintaining the body's acid-base balance.

Salt, or sodium chloride, is perhaps the most critical electrolyte in the hydration equation. Sodium helps regulate fluid balance by controlling the movement of water in and out of cells. It also aids in nerve function and muscle contraction. When you sweat, you lose both water and sodium. If this sodium isn’t replenished, you risk hyponatremia, a dangerous condition characterized by low blood sodium levels that can lead to symptoms ranging from headaches and nausea to seizures and even death.

Genetics, Sweat Rate, and Salt Loss

The amount of salt you lose through sweat isn’t the same for everyone. Sweat rate and the concentration of sodium in sweat are genetically determined. Some people, known as "salty sweaters," lose salt rapidly through very high concentrations of sodium in their sweat combined with a high sweat rate. These individuals are at a higher risk of salt depletion, especially during prolonged physical activity or in hot climates. For athletes in particular, having your sweat rate tested will allow your to tailor sodium intake to your unique needs and can increase performance - potentially for the rest of your life!

Comparing Hydration Methods

When it comes to staying hydrated, several options are available, each with its pros and cons. Below, we compare the most common methods: plain water, electrolyte supplements, and isotonic drinks.

1. Plain Water


Widely Available: Water is the most accessible hydration option.
Zero Calories: Drinking water doesn’t add any calories, making it ideal for weight management.
Simple and Effective: For most people in moderate climates engaging in low to moderate activity levels, water is sufficient for staying hydrated.


Lacks Electrolytes: Water alone doesn’t replenish lost electrolytes, particularly sodium.
Risk of Hyponatremia: In extreme cases, drinking large amounts of water without replenishing sodium can lead to a dangerous drop in blood sodium levels.

Takeaway: Overall drinking plain water is most suitable for casual exercisers, people living in mild climates, and those with a low to moderate sweat rate.

2. Electrolyte Supplements


Customized Hydration: Electrolyte supplements come in various formulations, allowing for tailored electrolyte intake based on individual needs.
Easy to Transport: Available in powders, tablets, or ready-to-drink bottles, they are convenient for athletes and travelers.
Supports High Activity Levels: Essential for those engaging in prolonged or intense physical activities, especially in hot conditions.


Cost: High-quality electrolyte supplements can be expensive.
Overconsumption Risk: Taking too many electrolytes, particularly sodium, can lead to imbalances such as hypernatremia (high blood sodium).

Takeaway: Electrolyte supplements best serve endurance athletes, those in hot or humid climates, and individuals with high sweat rates or known high sodium loss.

3. Isotonic Drinks


Balanced Hydration: Isotonic drinks have a similar concentration of salt and sugar as the human body, making them effective for both rehydration and energy replenishment.
Quick Absorption: The balanced composition allows for rapid fluid and electrolyte absorption.
Convenient: Widely available and easy to consume during physical activity.


Sugar Content: Many isotonic drinks contain significant amounts of sugar, which can be detrimental to those managing their calorie intake.
Artificial Ingredients: Some contain artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives, which may not align with everyone's dietary preferences.

Takeaway: Isotonic fluid intake works well for athletes during intense exercise to be able to rapidly rehydrate, as well as for people looking for both fluid and energy replenishment in one drink.

Hydration Strategies Based on Lifestyle and Climate

Your optimal hydration strategy should consider your lifestyle and the environment you’re in. Below, we outline how different factors influence hydration needs.

1. Endurance Athletes

For marathon runners, triathletes, and cyclists, maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance is crucial. These athletes often lose large amounts of sweat and sodium, making electrolytes a necessary part of their hydration strategy. Isotonic drinks can be beneficial during the activity, while water with electrolyte supplements may be ideal for post-exercise recovery.

Key Tip: Monitor sweat rate and consider a sweat test to determine the exact concentration of sodium in your sweat. This helps in customizing your hydration plan.

2. Sedentary Individuals

Those with a sedentary lifestyle may not need electrolyte supplementation unless they live in hot climates or are exposed to heat regularly. Plain water is typically sufficient for hydration. However, adding a pinch of salt to your water can help if you’re sweating more than usual, such as during heatwaves.

Key Tip: Listen to your body’s signals—dry mouth, dark urine, and lethargy are signs you may need more fluids.

3. Hot and Humid Climates

In hot and humid climates, sweat rates are naturally higher, increasing the risk of dehydration and sodium depletion. Water alone may not suffice, especially during physical activity. Electrolyte supplements or isotonic drinks can be essential for maintaining the balance.

Key Tip: Increase fluid intake and consider electrolyte supplements during the hottest parts of the day.

4. Cold Climates

In colder climates, the body loses more fluid through respiration (breathing out moist air) than sweating. This can lead to dehydration, especially if you don't feel thirsty. While water is typically enough, cold-weather athletes might still benefit from electrolyte supplements to maintain balance. However, salt loss is significantly reduced, so it is advised to be aware of dietary salt intake, particularly in ultra-processed foods, to avoid excess build-up.

Key Tip: balance your salt and fluid intake and drink extra fluids to help deplete excess sodium.

Personalize Your Approach to Hydration

As we've learned, optimal hydration is not a case of one-size-fits-all. It is a nuanced balance of fluid and electrolyte intake that varies from person to person. Understanding your sweat rate, sodium loss, lifestyle, and environmental factors is essential in crafting a hydration strategy that works best for you. Whether you rely on plain water, electrolyte supplements, or isotonic drinks, the key is to stay informed and listen to your body’s needs. By doing so, you can maintain peak performance and overall health, no matter the circumstances.

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NeuroTrackerX Team
August 2, 2024
10 Fascinating Discoveries from NeuroTracker Research

A diversity of NeuroTracker research approaches have led to some fascinating insights on how the brain influences human performance and wellness

NeuroTracker has been used in independent research by neuroscientists around the globe for well over a decade. A diversity of research approaches have led to some fascinating insights on how the brain influences human performance and wellness. This list of the NeuroTracker Team's top 10 most interesting discoveries demonstrates how this deceptively simple form of cognitive training can provide a unique window into brain function, as well as enhance human cognitive abilities in many surprising ways - enjoy!

1. ‘Enhancing Cognitive Function Using Perceptual-Cognitive Training’

The first on our list, this landmark NeuroTracker study selected the tool of qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) to dig into actual changes in neuroelectric brain function. qEEG works by measuring cycles of brain frequencies, yielding vast amounts of data. Healthy university students were selected as the study participants, who completed 36 distributed NeuroTracker sessions with pre-post qEEG and standardized neuropsychological assessments, to isolate changes in brain function specific to the training intervention.

The students increased their NeuroTracker speed threshold baselines by close to 100%, demonstrating a strong learning response. The neuropysche assessments showed clear and broad transfer to high-level cognitive functions, demonstrating that this form of training can enhance attention, information processing speed, and working memory.

Perhaps most interesting were the positive changes seen in the detailed qEEG data. This revealed positive and sustained increases in several types of brainwaves, including across brain regions outside the visual centers of the brain, similar to the effects of taking the ADHD medication Ritalin. In particular this included the frontal lobes, where executive functions and decision-making capacities reside.

For the first time this study revealed that an abstract visual training task can transfer widely and significantly to non-visual brain functions.

Read the study here

2. ‘3D-Multiple Object Tracking task performance improves passing decision-making accuracy in soccer players’

Far transfer in elite sports is notoriously rare. In a meta-review by German sports scientists of 1692 perceptual-cognitive training studies, only this study was deemed to provide reliable evidence of far transfer. In this NeuroTracker control + placebo study, just 3 hours of NeuroTracker training improved competitive soccer passing decision-making by +15%, effectively reducing passing errors by a whopping 40%.

Competitive soccer performance was objectively assessed by double-blind professional coaches via video recordings. In addition the soccer players themselves performed self-assessments, with remarkably close agreement between the assessment for the NeuroTracker trained group. Interestingly the placebo group, who were trained on 3D videos of FIFA matches, believed they had also improved, but the coaches observed no benefits.

One other interesting finding here is that NeuroTracker is an abstract and neutral training task, designed to build up cognitive capacities that are fundamental to human performance. Contrary to traditional sports science views, which hold that effective training requires a high degree of task similarity to end performance, this study demonstrated that training up core mental abilities may be the most effective way to achieve to success.

Read the study here

3. ‘Prior perceptual-cognitive training builds mental resistance during acute physical fatigue in professional rugby athletes’

Anyone who has competed in grueling team sports matches like rugby, soccer, football and so on, is acutely aware that when heavy physical fatigue kicks-ins towards the latter stages of competition, mental game-losing errors creep in surprisingly often. Similar to military performance in the field, it is well known that fatigue negatively impacts our ability to maintain focus and make sound decisions.

This study sought to investigate if these physically induced effects on cognition could be minimize with mental resilience training. To do this, two groups of equally elite rugby players were tested. The first group was untrained on NeuroTracker, while the second group was pre-trained (15 sessions). Both groups were then pushed to exhaustion on an exercise bike, maintaining a minimum of 80% of their maximum heartrate. While in an actively fatigued stated they completed a NeuroTracker baseline, with surprising results.

As expected, the cognitive performance of the untrained group dropped dramatically, with an effective loss of around 30% of their situational awareness. In contrast, the pre-trained rugby players exhibited virtually no loss of NeuroTracking performance (-0.03%). This exploratory study revealed that with elite athletes, the human brain can be quickly trained up to be remarkably resilient to the negative impacts of physical fatigue.

Read the study here

4. ‘Effects of 3D Multiple-Object Tracking on Off-the-Block Reaction Time in University of Victoria Varsity Swimmers’

When we think of athletic reaction times, we tend to think of agile physical abilities. However the speed at which the brain can process sensory cues becomes a significant factor in sports where the margins for winning come down to hundredths or thousandths of seconds. Swimming is one such sport where it is surprisingly common for medal positions to be decided in less than the time it takes to blink. As such professional swimmers commit serious amounts of training time to improving their reaction times off-the-block in order to shave all-important milliseconds off their overall race times.

For this reason researchers at the University of Victoria selected elite swimmers (including a world champion), to undergo NeuroTracker training to see if it could improve their sensory processing time in reaction to the starting gun. Using the latest technology to accurately measure off-the-block reaction times, untrained swimmers were pitted against NeuroTracker trained swimmers on pre- and post-training dive tests.

The control group showed negligible changes, while the NeuroTracker trained group experienced a significant gain in response time post-training. Although this only equated to literally 1 tenth of a second difference, it represented an 11% improvement in reaction time. This is way more substantial than traditional off-the-block intensive training programs, and in contrast this training intervention only spanned 90-minutes of training time.

In a follow-up article analysis by the lead researcher, this 0.1 second change in race results would have caused a total of 65 Olympic medals to have exchanged hands between the 1972 and 2004 Olympic Sprinting events (50 m – 200 m)!

Read the study here

5. ‘Enhancing learning in a perceptual-cognitive training paradigm using EEG-neurofeedback’

Neuropsychological and Neurofeedback expert Brendan Parsons teamed up with NeuroTracker inventor Professor Faubert to investigate if NeuroTracker learning rates could be accelerated with a novel 'closed-loop' approach to cognitive training. The goal was to use real-time Neurofeedback to iteratively amplify learning responses on a moment-by-moment basis throughout actual NeuroTracker training.

The idea is that if you use feedback to more accurately and rapidly adapt the exercise to a user’s needs, it triggers an altered cognitive state. Then the feedback can be used repeatedly to adjust the training continuously, and with progressively increasing accuracy, to facilitate a proximal zone of development. The key advantage of this concept is the acute nature of how it can adapt temporally, based on a person's responsive performance level, regardless of their variability in cognitive state.

Specifically this study utilized certain brainwaves signatures to reliably detect the moment when a person’s attention is either drifting-off during the NeuroTracker task, or when they have effectively lost track of the targets. At this point an automatic re-indexing technique kicked-in, where the software would kind of say, ‘Hey, you need to refocus right now - here are your targets’, at any precise moment there was a lapse in attention.

With training across 30 sessions, this method produced superior learning rates compared to conventional NeuroTracker training, which is already very effective. An active-control group using sham Neurofeedback (random signals), ruled out placebo effects. For the first time this study uncovered the synergistic potential of combining active cognitive training with closed-loop Neurofeedback.

Read the study here

6. ‘Examination of the Training Effect of the Three Dimensional Multiple Object Tracking Task on Community Dwelling Elderly’

Fall-risk in older adults is well known to be the major threat to health, and to longer term wellbeing following injury. Clinical researchers in Japan looked to see if balance related impairments and fall-risk could be reduced with a 3-hour cognitive intervention of NeuroTracker training. Before and after training, active and control participants (nursing home residents) underwent a comprehensive battery of validated fall-risk assessments.

Overall the active participants improved significantly on NeuroTracker scores (+32% increase in speed thresholds), demonstrating a clear learning response for this task in old age. The NeuroTracker group also experienced significant to large gains in post-test assessments on the Trail Making Test A, 5 meter walking time, Timed Get-up and Go test, and the Functional Reach Test. In contrast, controls experienced a moderate or significant decline across all tests, apart from 5 meter walking time.

As these measures correlate strongly to predictions of falling injuries, this study suggests that such risks could be significantly lowered with a short cognitive training intervention. It also correlates with other NeuroTracker research showing that brain function and motor-coordination are closely interconnected.

Read the study here (in Japanese)

7. ‘Professional athletes have extraordinary skills for rapidly learning complex and neutral dynamic visual scenes’

The last four studies on this list only focus on assessment of cognitive abilities (not training transfer), yet still reveal a fascinating window into the functioning of the human brain. In this landmark study, which was featured on the homepage of, Professor Faubert sought to test a hypothesis that elite athletes are at the top of the game because their brains are hyper-plastic.

Neuroplasticity, the ability of our brains to effectively rewire and grow new neural connections to improving learning, is not fixed - it can vary from individual to individual, as well as across different times in our lives. As NeuroTracker has negligible technique or practice-related effects, improvements in speed thresholds provide a reliable measure of functional learning response, which has also been correlated to levels of neuroplasticity through qEEG research.

A total of 175 elite professional athletes (NHL, EPL and Top 14 Rugby) and elite amateur athletes (NCAA) were assessed for learning rates over 15 NeuroTracker sessions. In addition, non-athlete university students were also assessed. As the NeuroTracker task is relatively abstract and non-context specific, the differences in learning rates represent differences in brain function, rather than any kind of familiarity with the task.

Elite professionals demonstrated much higher initial baselines, with elite amateurs and students starting out at a similar level. However, even with such high initial baselines, elite professionals' speed thresholds improved at a far higher rate than the elite amateurs, who in turn improved much faster than university students.

Featured across media internationally, these results showed that elite athletes are far from the stereotype of 'dumb jocks', and instead have unusually high levels of neuroplasticity. Further research is needed, but this study suggests that having a highly adaptive brain that can learn new tasks very rapidly, may be one of the key prerequisites for becoming a top performing athlete.

Read the study here

8. ‘Visual tracking speed is related to basketball-specific measures of performance in NBA players’

This fairly straight-forward study examined if cognitive assessments could predict the statistical performance of an NBA team over the course of a season's play. Just a single 6-minute NeuroTracker session was used as a benchmark at the outset of the season, to see if this measure correlated with official NBA performance stats.

Assist-to-turnover ratios, steals and turnovers all correlated strongly with NeuroTracker speed thresholds (Visual Tracking Speed). Backcourt players were most likely to outperform frontcourt players in Assist-to-turnover ratios, and very likely to do so for higher NeuroTracker baselines. In conclusion, the higher the 1-session NeuroTracker baseline, the more likely the NBA basketball players would see and respond to various stimuli on the basketball court, resulting in more positive plays.

Read the study here

9. ‘Perceptual-Cognitive & Physiological Assessment of Training Effectiveness’

In a collaborative research project, the Faubert Lab, the University of Iowa’s Operator Performance Lab, the University of Montreal, and Rockwell Collins (avionics and simulation training company), partnered their fields of expertise to come up with an innovative way to assess the mental loads of flying.

In an experimental combination of man-machine technology, an Aero Vodochody L-29 jet plane had a NeuroTracker system integrated into the dashboard and pilots were hooked up with eye tracking and ECG equipment.

The purpose of the setup was to have jet pilots perform three different difficulty levels of flight maneuvers in both simulated and live flight. During these maneuvers the pilots performed NeuroTracker as a secondary task in order to measure what level of 'spare cognitive capacity' was left over from the demands flying the jet plane. As hypothesized, live flight was much more demanding than simulated flight, but only for the more difficult maneuvers such as barrel rolls. For the most difficult flight tasks, spare cognitive capacity was almost completely saturated during live flight, yet not significantly taxed in the simulator.

This innovative study showed the limitations of simulated training for flights skills, which lack the high degree of physical stress on both the body and mind in live jet flight.

Read the study here

10. ‘Driving simulator scenarios and measures to faithfully evaluate risky driving behavior: A comparative study of different driver age groups’

Our last study on this list combined a standard NeuroTracker baseline assessment with highly sophisticated assessments of simulated driving abilities. 115 drivers of different ages and level of driving experience undertook 2 hours of simulated driving tests. This included low, medium and high levels of driving workload, including exposure to random high-risk events. Each participant was assess across 18 different measures of specific driving skills.

Analysis revealed that NeuroTracker scores were a very good predictor of overall driving performance, somewhat surprisingly being much more reliable than age or level of driving experience. Perhaps most importantly, lower NeuroTracker baselines effectively predicted elevated risks of crashes. More specifically, NeuroTracker data predicted the steering rate and the distance at which large steering reactions were made in order to evade accidents.

The findings, replicated in other studies, showed that a simple and abstract cognitive assessment can be a valuable measure of driving safety across different types of drivers.

Read the study here

If you are interested in exploring more NeuroTracker research, then check out our science summaries.

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Guest Writers
July 25, 2024
7 Most Popular Weight Loss Diets Reviewed

Get the lowdown on the pros and cons of some of the most popular diet plans.

In the quest for effective weight loss strategies, numerous diets have gained popularity, each claiming unique benefits. This article reviews seven of the most popular weight loss diets, providing detailed insights into their mechanisms, benefits, and potential drawbacks. Whether you're seeking to shed a few pounds or embark on a major weight loss journey, understanding these diets can help you make informed decisions.

1. High-Fiber Diet

A high-fiber diet emphasizes the consumption of foods rich in dietary fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Fiber is known for its ability to promote satiety, regulate blood sugar levels, and improve digestive health.


Enhanced Satiety: Fiber expands in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness that can reduce overall calorie intake.

Improved Digestion: Fiber aids in regular bowel movements and prevents constipation.

Blood Sugar Control: Soluble fiber helps to slow the absorption of sugar, which can prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.


• Digestive Issues: A sudden increase in fiber intake can cause bloating and gas. It's advisable to gradually incorporate high-fiber foods into your diet.

• Nutrient Absorption: Excessive fiber can interfere with the absorption of certain minerals, such as iron and calcium.

2. Low-Carb Diets

Low-carb diets, such as the ketogenic diet and the Atkins diet, focus on reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing protein and fat consumption. These diets aim to shift the body's metabolism from burning glucose to burning fat for energy.


Rapid Weight Loss: Reducing carbs can lead to quick initial weight loss due to the depletion of glycogen stores and water weight.

Improved Blood Sugar Levels: Low-carb diets can be beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Appetite Control: Increased protein and fat intake can reduce hunger and cravings.


Nutrient Deficiencies: Restricting carbs can lead to a lack of essential nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Sustainability: Many people find it difficult to maintain a low-carb diet long-term due to its restrictive nature.

3. Zone Diet

The Zone Diet balances macronutrient intake with a focus on a 40-30-30 ratio: 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat. The diet aims to reduce inflammation, improve hormonal balance, and promote weight loss.


Balanced Nutrition: The Zone Diet encourages a balanced intake of macronutrients, which can support overall health.

Steady Energy Levels: By balancing blood sugar levels, this diet can help maintain consistent energy throughout the day.

Reduced Inflammation: The emphasis on anti-inflammatory foods can help reduce chronic inflammation.


Complexity: Measuring and balancing macronutrient ratios can be challenging and time-consuming.

Moderate Restriction: Some people may find the 40-30-30 ratio restrictive, especially when it comes to carbohydrate intake.

4. Ultra-Low-Fat Diet

Ultra-low-fat diets, such as the Ornish diet, severely restrict fat intake to less than 10% of daily calories. These diets typically emphasize plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.


Heart Health: Reducing fat intake can lower cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular health.

Weight Loss: Low-fat diets can be effective for weight loss, especially when combined with regular exercise.

Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases: Emphasizing plant-based foods can lower the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and certain cancers.


Nutrient Deficiencies: Restricting fat intake can lead to deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and essential fatty acids.

Satisfaction: Low-fat diets may lack satiety and flavor, making them difficult to stick to in the long term.

5. Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet, also known as the "caveman diet," focuses on consuming foods that were available to early humans, such as lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It excludes processed foods, grains, legumes, and dairy.


Natural Foods: The emphasis on whole, unprocessed foods can improve overall health and reduce the intake of additives and preservatives.

Weight Loss: The elimination of processed foods and refined sugars can lead to weight loss and improved metabolic health.

Anti-Inflammatory: The diet's focus on anti-inflammatory foods can reduce chronic inflammation.


Restrictiveness: The exclusion of entire food groups, such as grains and dairy, can make the diet difficult to adhere to and may lead to nutrient deficiencies.

Cost: High-quality organic and grass-fed products recommended by the Paleo diet can be expensive.

6. HCG Diet

The HCG diet combines a very low-calorie diet (VLCD) with the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Proponents claim that HCG helps to reduce hunger and promote fat loss while preserving muscle mass. It's particularly popular in New York, where many seek effective weight loss solutions.


Rapid Weight Loss: The combination of HCG and a VLCD can lead to significant weight loss in a short period.

Appetite suppression: HCG is believed to reduce hunger, making it easier to adhere to the VLCD.

Fat Loss: The diet targets fat stores while preserving lean muscle mass.


Safety Concerns: The HCG diet is controversial and has been criticized for its potential health risks, including nutrient deficiencies and muscle loss.

Sustainability: The VLCD component of the diet is not sustainable long-term and can lead to rebound weight gain.

For those interested in exploring this diet, it's advisable to seek professional guidance, especially in regions like New York where "HCG diet New York" and "HCG diet plans in New York" are widely available.

7. Atkins Diet

The Atkins Diet is a well-known low-carb diet that emphasizes high protein and fat intake while minimizing carbohydrates. It consists of four phases, starting with a very low-carb induction phase and gradually increasing carb intake.


Effective Weight Loss: The Atkins Diet is known for its rapid weight loss effects, particularly in the initial phases.

Appetite Control: High protein and fat intake can reduce hunger and increase satiety.

Improved Blood Sugar Levels: Reducing carbs can help stabilize blood sugar levels, benefiting individuals with insulin resistance or diabetes.


Nutrient Deficiencies: The diet's restrictive nature can lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

• Initial Side Effects: The induction phase can cause side effects such as headache, dizziness, and fatigue, often referred to as the "Atkins flu."


Choosing the right weight loss diet involves considering personal preferences, lifestyle, and health needs. Each of the diets reviewed here offers unique benefits and challenges. High-fiber diets and low-carb diets, for example, are effective for many people but require careful planning to avoid nutrient deficiencies. The Zone and Paleo diets promote balanced nutrition and natural foods, respectively, but can be restrictive. Ultra-low-fat diets offer cardiovascular benefits but may lack satiety. The HCG diet, particularly popular in places like New York, offers rapid weight loss but comes with significant risks. Lastly, the Atkins diet provides effective weight loss through carbohydrate restriction but can be challenging to maintain long term.

Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any diet is crucial to ensure it aligns with your health goals and nutritional needs.

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Eric Tobon
July 19, 2024
A Holistic Brain Training Journey with Schools in Quebec

Discover a heart-warming story on making a difference in rural schools with holistic cognitive wellness programs.

I'm excited to share our Centre de développement PAC journey and the very encouraging results we've seen with our holistic brain training program in schools across Quebec, especially with the Kanamata High School in Shefferville. Our approach has brought a lot of positive changes, and I believe sharing our story can inspire others to consider similar initiatives.

Kanamata High School: Train Your Brain Challenges

Initial meeting of Centre Pac co-owners Eric Tobin and Nancy Poulin (left and right) and Kanamata High School teachers.

We've formed a partnership with the Innu community of Matimekush Lac-John, leading to our new project aimed at strengthening school perseverance, memory and concentration with Kanamata High School. This school is part of a native community in Northern Quebec, which is remote and can only be reached by train or airplane.

In April, we visited Kanamata High School. The community is small, with about 50 high school students, and we presented the project to all students. Having completed over a hundred NeuroTracker sessions myself, and seeing the difference it can make, helped for making a convincing pitch.

The visit was a key success factor for securing buy-in from the school’s principal and teachers from the outset. We conducted preliminary meetings to explain the benefits of our cognitive training methods, which meant the teachers were enthusiastic and supported the project from the start.

We introduced NeuroTracker training programs within the school’s classrooms, having the same teachers dedicated to specific subjects overseeing the training with each student, so that they could ensure consistency and ease of implementation.

Student prize giving ceremony

Part of our core approach involved a one-month challenges called "Train Your Brain". We used engaging visuals and offer prizes to motivate the students. To make it even more exciting, we asked the students what prizes they would like. Their suggestions, along with generous sponsorship from Tata Steel Minerals Canada, led us to offer three pairs of iPod Pros and $400 worth of Amazon gift cards.

This incentivized approach significantly boosted motivation and commitment. The community's response to our program has been overwhelmingly positive. The teachers noticed significant improvements in student engagement and focus after introducing our NeuroTracker sessions.

A Truly Engaged School

‘‘...the school actually moved more challenging subjects like math and science to the mornings, so they would be done right after the NeuroTracker training.’’

Over five months, the majority of the students completed four sessions per week, totaling over 400 sessions. The pupils remained highly engaged and we observed remarkable improvements with wonderful feedback. For instance, teachers reported that students were significantly more engaged and calmer in daily lessons, and that they were delighted with the results - a more attentive class makes for more contented teachers!

One key outcome of the program which really stood out, was that administrators actually rearranged the school's lesson schedules. This came about after noticing that the students were much more alert and attentive in classes after their morning NeuroTracker sessions.

For this reason, the school actually moved more challenging subjects like math and science to the mornings, so they would be done right after the NeuroTracker training.  Considering schools like routines and are generally resistant to sudden changes, we believe this was superb validation that the program was making a real difference from both the students' and teachers' perspectives.

Expanding Our Reach

Our success at Kanamata High School, and other native community schools we have had success with, caught the attention of more schools and communities in the region. We are now working on expanding our "Train Your Brain" contests to include interschool competitions. This initiative will start in September and involve multiple schools competing against each other, fostering a sense of community and friendly rivalry.

Alongside this we have been working hard to develop a mobile app that allows students to access their NeuroTracker dashboard and other resources such as meditation practices, stress management techniques and physical exercise routines.

We also provide educational blogs and interactive online learning modules so that participants can grow their understanding the importance of nurturing brain performance and wellness in daily life. Part of the purpose of this is to maintain a presence even when we're not physically there, ensuring continuous support and engagement.

The Importance of Brain Training

People often overlook the importance of cognitive development, assuming that their mental abilities are fixed. However, like any muscle, the brain needs regular exercise to stay sharp. A good example is which a lot of people talk about being important is ‘‘hockey sense’’, which relies on situational awareness and rapid decision-making. These skills are rooted in cognitive processing, not physical skills or prowess, which is how many people perceived them.

Our training program focuses on enhancing sensory perception and cognitive processing speed, which are crucial for overall human performance. Educating people about the benefits of brain training is a key part of our mission.

Future Plans

Starting in September, we will launch our interschool challenge, further expanding our program and ramping up the motivation to be compete with brain power. Once established in this tight-knit community, other schools have quickly express interest, generating a lot of excitement. We've been featured in news pieces by Radio Canada and CBC, which has helped spread the word about our work.

One thing we are keen to focus on is customizing programs to for each school’s needs. We are a small team and do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Accordingly, we tailor our programs to each school's unique challenges and resources, ensuring that our solutions are effective and relevant. Following a crawl, walk, run philosophy we’ve purposely kept our growth has been steady. We are now well into the "walking" phase, steadily progressing towards greater success with a quality over quantity mindset.

While there are always unexpected challenges, such as navigating internal politics, the results have been worth the effort. Once we gain a school's commitment, the engagement is incredible, allowing us to focus on applying our program and demonstrating its effectiveness.


By focusing on engagement, personalized rewards, and community involvement, our brain training program has made a significant difference in the schools we work with. We’ve found that education is key to adopting new technologies and services and getting them to stick. Our NeuroTracker in-class program combined with our holistic brain wellness platform has shown amazing results, and we are confident in its potential.

We hope to continue making a positive impact on students' lives through this unique approach and look forward to seeing even more positive outcomes in the future. Stay tuned for more updates as we expand our reach and help more communities thrive.

Feel free to visit our website or contact us there to learn more.

Guest Writers
July 12, 2024
Optimizing Your Mental Health Through Your Gut: Expert Advice from Manhattan Gastroenterology

Learn about ways to optimize your gut health for mental well-being.

The connection between the gut and the brain has garnered significant attention in recent years, with growing evidence suggesting that a healthy gut can lead to a healthy mind. This fascinating interplay, known as the gut-brain axis, highlights the importance of nurturing our digestive health to optimize mental well-being. In collaboration with experts from Manhattan Gastroenterology, this article explores practical steps and scientific insights into improving your mental health through your gut.

Understanding the Gut-Brain Axis

The gut-brain axis is a complex communication network linking the gastrointestinal tract and brain. This bidirectional pathway involves neural, hormonal, and immunological signaling. Key players in this connection are the gut microbiota—trillions of microorganisms in the digestive tract. These microbes produce neurotransmitters and other compounds that can influence brain function and mood.

Expert Advice from Manhattan Gastroenterology

Dr. Michael Dann, a leading gastroenterologist at Manhattan Gastroenterology, emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to gut health for enhancing mental well-being. According to Dr. Dann, “A healthy gut microbiome is crucial for maintaining digestive health and supporting

emotional and cognitive functions. By making mindful choices in diet and lifestyle, we can positively impact our gut health and, consequently, our mental health.”

Steps to Optimize Gut Health for Mental Well-being

1. Dietary Choices

○ Increase Fiber Intake: A diet high in fiber supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Dr. Dann recommends incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes into your diet. “Fiber acts as a prebiotic, feeding the good bacteria in your gut, which is essential for a balanced microbiome,” he explains.

○ Incorporate Probiotics and Prebiotics: Probiotics (live beneficial bacteria) and prebiotics (food for these bacteria) play crucial roles in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods are excellent probiotic sources. Prebiotics are found in bananas, onions, garlic, and asparagus. “Fermented foods are a great addition to your diet as they introduce beneficial bacteria to your gut,” notes Dr. Dann.

○ Reduce Sugar and Processed Foods: Excessive sugar and processed foods can negatively impact gut health by promoting the growth of harmful bacteria. Dr. Dann advises, “Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible to support a healthy microbiome.”

2. Stay Hydrated

○ Drinking plenty of water aids digestion and helps maintain the mucosal lining of the intestines, creating a favorable environment for beneficial gut bacteria.

“Hydration is key to digestive health and helps in the smooth transit of food through the gut,” says Dr. Dann.

3. Exercise Regularly

○ Physical activity has been shown to affect the composition and diversity of gut microbiota positively. Regular exercise can help reduce stress and inflammation, further supporting gut and mental health. Dr. Dann states, “Exercise benefits your body and your gut, promoting a more diverse microbiome linked to better mental health.”

4. Manage Stress

○ Chronic stress can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria and compromise the gut barrier, leading to inflammation. Incorporating stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can help maintain gut health. “Stress management is crucial for gut health. Practices like mindfulness and yoga can help reduce stress and its negative impact on the gut,” Dr. Dann advises.

5. Get Enough Sleep

○ Quality sleep is essential for overall health, including gut health. Poor sleep patterns can negatively impact the gut microbiome and affect mental health. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night and establish a consistent sleep routine. Dr. Dann emphasizes, “Good sleep hygiene is vital. A regular sleep schedule helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome.”

6. Limit Antibiotic Use

○ While antibiotics are sometimes necessary, they can disrupt the gut microbiome by killing beneficial bacteria. Use antibiotics only when prescribed, and consider taking a probiotic supplement to help restore gut balance during and after antibiotic treatment. “Antibiotics can significantly alter your gut microbiota, so they should be used judiciously,” Dr. Dann notes.

7. Consider Supplements

○ In some cases, supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and specific probiotics may help support gut health and mental health. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen. Dr. Dann suggests, “Supplements can be beneficial, but it’s important to discuss with your doctor to tailor them to your specific needs.”

Scientific Evidence Supporting the Gut-Mental Health Connection

● Neurotransmitter Production: Gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which play critical roles in regulating mood, anxiety, and cognitive functions.

● Immune System Modulation: A healthy gut microbiome helps regulate the immune system, reducing inflammation that can negatively impact mental health.

● Stress Response: The gut microbiota influence the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which controls the body's stress response. A balanced gut microbiome can help modulate the HPA axis, reducing stress and anxiety.


Optimizing mental health through your gut involves a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, adequate sleep, and mindful use of medications.

Nurturing your gut health can positively influence your brain function and overall mental well-being. Embrace these practices, supported by expert advice from Manhattan Gastroenterology, to harness the power of the gut-brain connection and lead a healthier, happier life.

For more personalized advice and treatment, visit Manhattan Gastroenterology or schedule an appointment with one of their experienced specialists.

Pedro Gormaz
June 27, 2024
Why Cognitive Training Outperforms Ginseng, Coffee, and Energy Drinks

Check out the surprising benefits of mental training over drinks supplements.

As CEO of the International Center Sports Mental Coaching I like to say that our methodology and cognitive training with the NeuroTracker tool is as close as you can get to having a coffee, a ginseng, and an energy drink at the same time, but let's look at something interesting...

When it comes to maximizing cognitive performance, many people turn to stimulants like ginseng, coffee, or energy drinks. However, our cognitive training using NeuroTracker technology offers a more powerful and sustainable solution.

Let’s do a head-to-head rundown across 4 benefits from supplement forms of drinks and functional cognitive training to see why NeuroTracker training is the superior choice.

1. Instant Energy vs. Lasting Cognitive Enhancement

Ginseng, Coffee, and Energy Drinks

Immediate Boost: These stimulants provide a quick energy surge, making you feel more alert and awake almost instantly.

Short-lived Effects: The heightened alertness typically lasts for a few hours, after which you may experience a crash or fatigue.

Side Effects: Over-reliance on these can lead to jitteriness, increased heart rate, anxiety, and dependency.

NeuroTracker Cognitive Training

Gradual Improvement: Cognitive training enhances mental capabilities over time through consistent practice.

Long-lasting Benefits: The improvements in attention, concentration, and cognitive processing are enduring, not just short-term boosts.

No Negative Side Effects: Unlike stimulants, cognitive training has no adverse health effects and can be tailored to individual needs.

2. Focus and Attention: Temporary vs. Permanent Gains

Ginseng, Coffee, and Energy Drinks

Temporary Focus: These substances can temporarily sharpen your focus, helping with tasks that require immediate attention.

Diminished Returns: The more you use them, the less effective they become due to tolerance build-up.

NeuroTracker Cognitive Training

Sustained Focus: Through targeted exercises, NeuroTracker improves your ability to maintain focus and attention consistently.

Enhanced Neuroplasticity: Training promotes brain plasticity, making it easier to adapt and process information even under pressure.

3. Performance Under Pressure: Peaks vs. Continuous Improvement

Ginseng, Coffee, and Energy Drinks

Momentary Peaks: These can give you short bursts of heightened performance, useful for quick tasks or overcoming immediate challenges.

Stress and Anxiety: High doses, especially from energy drinks, can increase stress and anxiety, which negatively impacts performance.

NeuroTracker Cognitive Training

Continuous Growth: The training method ensures gradual and steady improvement in cognitive functions, making it easier to handle complex tasks over time.

Resilience and Calm: Regular training helps in maintaining calm and composure under pressure, leading to better decision-making and performance.

4. Holistic Brain Health: Quick Fixes vs. Comprehensive Development

Ginseng, Coffee, and Energy Drinks

Quick Fixes: These are quick fixes that don’t contribute to overall brain health or cognitive development.

Potential Health Risks: Overuse can lead to various health issues, including heart problems and dependency.

NeuroTracker Cognitive Training

Comprehensive Development: Enhances various cognitive domains including attention, working memory, and visual processing.

Positive Health Impact: Encourages overall brain health and cognitive function without the risk of negative health consequences.


While ginseng, coffee, and energy drinks can provide temporary boosts in energy and focus, NeuroTracker cognitive training offers a sustainable and comprehensive approach to cognitive enhancement. With lasting benefits, no side effects, and the potential to improve performance under pressure, NeuroTracker stands out as the superior choice for anyone looking to unlock their full cognitive potential.

June 13, 2024
Embracing a New Career Journey with NeuroTracker

Get insights on how a professional mother's career pivot to NeuroTracker had transformative effects on her lifestyle.

Transitioning into my role at NeuroTracker marked a significant shift in both my career and personal life. Although I actually studied neuroscience at Carleton University, prior to joining NeuroTracker my career was in medical device sales. This was often in high-stress and competitive environments, which was a challenge I enjoyed, but did mean I was accustomed to a world where securing a sale required persistence and overcoming frequent rejections.

NeuroTracker was different. When I was first introduced to NeuroTracker, the science and potential of it immediately intrigued me, so I introduced it to my husband Jonathan. Soon after he became the new CEO and I joined as head of neuromedical sales. Having spent years working mostly on my own and on the road a lot, this new career journey was a change not just in work life, but in being able to work at home as mother of three girls, to share steering a company with my husband, and to engage with a fascinating range of exciting clients.

Here I'd like to share some insights on how a career pivot can bring about a positive change in lifestyle.

The Positive Impact of Remote Work

The global shift towards remote work brought about by the pandemic coincided with a transformative period in my life. The move from a traditional office setting to a home-based environment significantly affected our family dynamics. Previously, my career demanded a considerable amount of travel and time in surgeries, while my husband also had a hectic travel schedule. This lifestyle required us to rely heavily on nannies due to the absence of nearby family support.

Working from home changed all of that. It allowed for greater flexibility and presence at home, enabling both of us to engage more actively in our children's daily lives. The ability to set our own schedules, create boundaries, and eliminate lengthy commutes transformed our approach to work and family life.

This newfound balance certainly enhanced our quality of life. For me it also opened my eyes just how easy it is in a busy career to miss all the special moments that happen on a daily basis, as your children grow and blossom so quickly.

Thriving in Sales with a Sought-After Solution

A sports and rehabilitation client working with NeuroTracker

My role overseeing sales at NeuroTracker was a stark contrast to my previous experiences in sales, which was often a case of trying to create opportunities rather than respond to them. My first surprise was discovering that here was a product where clients actively seek us out for solutions.

The clients I now interact with come prepared, aware of what they need to enhance their performance—be it in sports, academia, or military applications. This shift from aggressively pursuing sales to facilitating eager clients through their decision processes has been a refreshing change to say the least!

Fortunately, the cloud-based NeuroTracker product is highly accessible – a new client can literally be up and running on it within minutes. Then, as over 100 scientific studies show, the first 6-minute session can deliver a valuable window in to the brain, and the cognitive benefits can be reaped within just a few hours of training. This makes introducing it to clients genuinely rewarding.

It is also endlessly interesting because each client has different needs and there are so many ways it can be adapted for how they want to make use of the product.

Engaging with a Diverse Clientele

The diversity of the clientele at NeuroTracker keeps my day-to-day interactions both challenging and fascinating. Each client brings unique needs and goals, requiring tailored approaches that utilize my skills in relationship building and strategic planning. From elite sports teams and educational institutions to military groups, the range of applications for NeuroTracker has broadened the scope of my professional expertise.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my work is the opportunity to interact with people who are genuine experts in their fields. Every new client or project brings a story, a set of challenges, and a chance to make a tangible difference. There's always something to learn. Whether it's improving the cognitive functions of athletes or aiding rehabilitation in medical patients, the applications of NeuroTracker are as varied as they are profound.

This diversity not only enhances my day-to-day experiences but also contributes to evolution of the company. Being part of a solution that has a direct impact on people's lives provides a sense of purpose that is gratifying in a way I wouldn’t have associated with a sales career.

Looking Forward

Reflecting on my journey so far with NeuroTracker, I am struck by just how influential a career change can be. New is sometimes scary, but in the bigger picture I found well worth the risks.

This role has not only allowed me to leverage my background in neuroscience and sales in innovative ways but has also provided a work-life balance that I hadn’t previously imagined. Now I look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, confident in the knowledge that what we are building here extends far beyond the confines of traditional business—it's about making a lasting difference in people's lives.

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Guest Writers
June 10, 2024
5 Steps to Healthier Lips with Technology and Natural Remedies

Learn how to naturally heal and protect delicate lips.

Dry, cracked, and painfully uncomfortable - chapped lips are a frustrating reality many face, especially during the harsh winter months. While drugstore shelves are lined with countless lip balms and treatments promising relief, those synthetic formulas can often do more harm than good. These harsh chemicals can end up aggravating sensitive skin.

Fortunately, Mother Nature provides a bounty of gentle, nourishing solutions to soothe and restore your lips naturally.

Read this article to bid farewell to that stinging, tight feeling and discover how to achieve soft, supple lips using nature's healing remedies.

What Causes Chapped Lips

Chapped lips are very common and can be caused by different things that make the lips dry out. Some of the main reasons lips get chapped are:

• Cold, dry weather

• Not drinking enough water (dehydration)

• Licking or biting your lips a lot

• Medical conditions like eczema or vitamin deficiencies

Understanding these common triggers can better address the root cause and choose an effective chapped lips remedy. They include the following:

1. Protect Your Lips from Harsh Elements

Protecting the lips from environmental elements that cause moisture loss is a major factor in preventing chapped lips. Lips are very vulnerable to drying out from harsh winds, low humidity, and cold temperatures, which can quickly lead to dry, cracked lips.

Harsh winds dehydrate lip skin through evaporation. When heaters are used, low indoor humidity in winter pulls moisture from lips and skin. Frigid temperatures further drain the lips of their natural oils and hydration.

It's essential to shield lips from these damaging conditions. Applying a thick, occlusive balm before going outdoors forms a barrier against winds and cold. Choose a balm made from beeswax, shea butter, or coconut oil that soothes without irritating sensitive lip skin. Stay away from products with artificial scents, flavors, or dyes.

2. Hydrate From the Inside Out

One of the most effective natural remedies for chapped lips is to hydrate your body from the inside out. Why? Dehydration is one of the leading causes of dry, cracked lips. When your body doesn't get enough water, it draws moisture from the skin, including the delicate skin on the lips. Therefore, you can consider the following;

• Drink plenty of water throughout the day. For maximum hydration, aim for around eight glasses (64 ounces) daily. Keep a water bottle handy to encourage regular sips.

• Eat hydrating foods high in water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and strawberries. The water and nutrients will hydrate the skin from within.

• Avoid dehydrating beverages like coffee, tea, and alcohol, which cause water loss in the body.

• Use a humidifier to add moisture to dry indoor air, especially in winter. Place one in the bedroom while sleeping to wake with hydrated skin.

3. Exfoliate Gently

Notably, the lips accumulate dry, flaky skin throughout the day, which can exacerbate cracking and chapping. Regularly sloughing off this dead skin allows moisturizers to penetrate more deeply.

The delicate skin on the lips requires an ultra-gentle approach. Wet a washcloth with warm water and gently rub it over the lips in a circular motion. This light friction lifts away dull flakes without irritation.

Dampen a toothbrush and brush softly around the lips for a targeted method. Discard toothbrushes frequently for a clean exfoliator. Some like using a warm sugar or salt scrub made of natural oils and granules weekly.

Whichever exfoliation method is chosen, go slowly and don't over-exfoliate. The goal is to remove dry patches, not irritate skin. After exfoliating, always apply a nourishing balm to moisturize freshly revealed skin.

Taking a few minutes a couple of times a week to exfoliate lips makes a noticeable difference. Leaving lips smooth allows natural treatments time to penetrate and heal chapping from within, resulting in a softer pout.

4. Use Natural Oils and Butters

Rich, emollient natural oils and butter are some of the most effective homemade remedies for chapped lips. They form an occlusive barrier on the skin to lock in moisture. They include the following:

• Coconut oil penetrates deeply to hydrate due to its medium-chain fatty acid composition. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well. Swipe some onto lips like a balm anytime they feel dry.

Shea and cocoa butter are dense moisturizers that layer thickly without feeling greasy. Melt a small piece and mix in coconut oil for easy application. Let it resolidify to create an all-natural SPF lip protectant.

Mix one above with a hydrating oil like jojoba, avocado, or rosehip seed for an even more nourishing salve. Apply before bed for overnight healing and preventative use throughout the day in cold weather.

5. Utilize Healing Agents

Certain natural ingredients have fantastic healing abilities to repair chapped lips when used topically. Integrating some of these agents can speed up recovery time. They include the following:

• Aloe vera is a powerful healing agent for chapped lips due to its anti-inflammatory properties and abundant vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The pure gel extracted from aloe vera plant leaves can be directly applied to soothe irritated skin and accelerate the repair of cracks or fissures. Its cooling gel texture also delivers hydration, helping to soften and moisturize dry, chapped lips.

• Honey is another natural ingredient with lip-healing abilities. As a humectant, honey draws moisture into the skin around the lips. It possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory attributes and the ability to disinfect minor sores and reduce inflammation. Applying a light layer of honey and allowing it to absorb for 15-20 minutes provides relief and healing benefits.

• Cucumber: Contains hydrating vitamins and minerals that nourish parched lips when rubbed directly on the skin. Its refreshing juice soothes and replenishes moisture when lips feel dry and cracked.

• Green tea: Its high antioxidant and tannin content also effectively heals, helping reduce inflammation from chapping when a soaked tea bag is applied.

Final Thoughts

You can naturally heal and protect your delicate pout by addressing the internal and external causes of chapped lips. Proper hydration, exfoliation, protection from elements, use of healing oils and balms, and utilization of soothing natural agents work synergistically to replenish moisture. With consistent application of these simple remedies, chapped, flaky lips will become a thing of the past. Your smile will again be accentuated by beautifully soft lips - restored from within and without through wholesome, effective natural techniques.

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Guest Writers
June 10, 2024
Finding Harmony: Exploring the Multifaceted Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

Learn about the symbiotic dance of yoga and meditation.

In the fast-paced tornado of modern life, when stress and anxiety are woven into daily living, yoga and meditation become your refuge of total well-being. These ancient practices provide a sanctuary for your mind, body, and spirit amid the chaos, offering advantages beyond physical exercise.

The seamless blend of yoga's physical elegance and meditation's thoughtful introspection leads to inner serenity, emotional resilience, and spiritual progress.

Therefore, this article provides in-depth details about yoga and meditation's benefits.

The Symbiotic Dance of Yoga and Meditation

Yoga & meditation are like a dance, a symbiotic collaboration that improves both practices. Through physical relaxation, cognitive quiet, and attention, yoga prepares the body for meditation. This synchronicity unlocks your ultimate well-being.

1. A Harmonious Blend for Overall Well-being

Combining yoga and meditation boosts their effects. The stress reduction and relaxation response of meditation amplifies the impact of yoga on sleep quality, immunity, and hormone balance. Their self-care symphony promotes your physical health and endocrine system's delicate dance.

2. Empowerment and Fulfillment

Along this transforming journey, you feel empowered. Yoga and meditation promote self-love, uniqueness, and emotional resilience. This increased strength propels you toward a life of purpose and potential, bringing fulfillment and empowerment.

3. Uniting With the Self and Beyond

Yoga and meditation unite you and the world. Self-discovery is linked to connection and diversity. This unity guides you beyond your mat to purpose and peace.

4. Embarking on Your Holistic Well-being Journey

In the midst of life's chaos, yoga and meditation guide you toward overall well-being. They transform lives to handle life's problems with poise and grit. Mind, body, and spirit work together to bring peace, contentment, and a deep connection to your soul. Inhale and move onto your mat to begin this transformative journey to harmony, self-discovery, and nourishment of mind, body, and spirit.

Yoga: A Holistic Discipline Rooted in Ancient Wisdom

The ancient Indian practice of yoga connects mind, body, and spirit. Its holistic approach reflects the interconnection of these three parts of your being. Yoga reduces stress, improves flexibility, and clears the mind through a combination of physical postures, breath control, and awareness. The comprehensive nature of yoga invites you to examine the profound link between your physical being and your consciousness.

1. Embracing the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

Integrating mind, body, and spirit is yoga's essence. Harmony and unity within oneself are the goals of this physical activity. Yoga improves inner calm and balance by encouraging this connection. Asanas, or physical postures, strengthen and align the body, improving blood circulation, detoxification, and cellular sustenance.

2. Fortifying the Physical Self

Yoga poses have several physical benefits. The postures build strength, balance, and posture. These routines increase blood circulation, which aids detoxification.

Proper asana posture avoids injuries and manages chronic pain, making it a welcoming practice for individuals seeking physical relief.

You gain strength and balance and watch your blood flow as you go through positions. This detoxifying dance nourishes and energizes every cell.

3. Breath Control: The Essence of Pranayama

Pranayama, or breath regulation, is one of the pillars of yoga. Imagine mastering your breath, a bridge between your outward world and your inner reality. Inhaling and exhaling thoughtfully increases lung capacity, respiratory function, and deep relaxation.

4. Nurturing Emotional Wellness

Yoga helps mental well-being as well as physical health. Imagine the postures as emotional well-being. Fluid yoga postures and focused breath release endorphins. Feel-good hormones gently caress your inner self and lift your mood. This can aid depression management. The practice boosts serotonin, fostering self-awareness, mindfulness, and coping skills to help you overcome life's obstacles.

Meditation: A Gateway to Inner Tranquility

Meditation deepens your intellect and complements yoga's physical components. It boosts self-awareness, positivity, and emotional resilience. Close your eyes and envision a quiet location in your mind where you may examine your thoughts without judgment. Meditation, which promotes self-reflection and self-love, is based on this.

Each session improves cognitive performance, mental clarity, and attention. You tap into a universal energy that nourishes your spirit and links you to everything in this sanctuary.

1. Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness

Mindfulness, or being present in the moment, is the foundation of meditation. This exercise helps you observe your thoughts without judgment and disrupt negative thought patterns that cause tension and anxiety. Mindfulness can help you build compassion and self-acceptance, accepting your journey with kindness and empathy.

2. Strengthening Cognitive Abilities

Meditation has impressive cognitive impacts. Memory, cognition, and mental clarity improve with regular meditation. This is important in today's distracted environment. Meditation helps you focus and concentrate on routine duties.

3. The Spiritual and Transcendent

Meditation links the physical and spiritual. It leads to deep inner tranquility and self-discovery. The technique emphasizes unity and interconnectedness, like yoga. You can experience harmony, a greater connection with your spirit, and overall well-being through meditation.

Final Words

Your entire existence benefits from yoga and meditation. The complicated endocrine system dances to the rhythm of self-care, and its effects can be felt in the quality of sleep you get and the strength of your immune system. They give you the tools to eat well and respect your body.

In the broad fabric of life, yoga and meditation unite to celebrate connectivity, empower, and discover self. This holistic practice connects you with the world and yourself. Yoga and meditation become a gateway to fulfilling lives, confirming the search for inner peace, transforming power, and total well-being in the refuge you create within yourself.

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Guest Writers
June 10, 2024
5 Steps to Healthier Lips with Technology and Natural Remedies

Learn how to naturally heal and protect delicate lips.

Dry, cracked, and painfully uncomfortable - chapped lips are a frustrating reality many face, especially during the harsh winter months. While drugstore shelves are lined with countless lip balms and treatments promising relief, those synthetic formulas can often do more harm than good. These harsh chemicals can end up aggravating sensitive skin.

Fortunately, Mother Nature provides a bounty of gentle, nourishing solutions to soothe and restore your lips naturally.

Read this article to bid farewell to that stinging, tight feeling and discover how to achieve soft, supple lips using nature's healing remedies.

What Causes Chapped Lips

Chapped lips are very common and can be caused by different things that make the lips dry out. Some of the main reasons lips get chapped are:

• Cold, dry weather

• Not drinking enough water (dehydration)

• Licking or biting your lips a lot

• Medical conditions like eczema or vitamin deficiencies

Understanding these common triggers can better address the root cause and choose an effective chapped lips remedy. They include the following:

1. Protect Your Lips from Harsh Elements

Protecting the lips from environmental elements that cause moisture loss is a major factor in preventing chapped lips. Lips are very vulnerable to drying out from harsh winds, low humidity, and cold temperatures, which can quickly lead to dry, cracked lips.

Harsh winds dehydrate lip skin through evaporation. When heaters are used, low indoor humidity in winter pulls moisture from lips and skin. Frigid temperatures further drain the lips of their natural oils and hydration.

It's essential to shield lips from these damaging conditions. Applying a thick, occlusive balm before going outdoors forms a barrier against winds and cold. Choose a balm made from beeswax, shea butter, or coconut oil that soothes without irritating sensitive lip skin. Stay away from products with artificial scents, flavors, or dyes.

2. Hydrate From the Inside Out

One of the most effective natural remedies for chapped lips is to hydrate your body from the inside out. Why? Dehydration is one of the leading causes of dry, cracked lips. When your body doesn't get enough water, it draws moisture from the skin, including the delicate skin on the lips. Therefore, you can consider the following;

• Drink plenty of water throughout the day. For maximum hydration, aim for around eight glasses (64 ounces) daily. Keep a water bottle handy to encourage regular sips.

• Eat hydrating foods high in water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and strawberries. The water and nutrients will hydrate the skin from within.

• Avoid dehydrating beverages like coffee, tea, and alcohol, which cause water loss in the body.

• Use a humidifier to add moisture to dry indoor air, especially in winter. Place one in the bedroom while sleeping to wake with hydrated skin.

3. Exfoliate Gently

Notably, the lips accumulate dry, flaky skin throughout the day, which can exacerbate cracking and chapping. Regularly sloughing off this dead skin allows moisturizers to penetrate more deeply.

The delicate skin on the lips requires an ultra-gentle approach. Wet a washcloth with warm water and gently rub it over the lips in a circular motion. This light friction lifts away dull flakes without irritation.

Dampen a toothbrush and brush softly around the lips for a targeted method. Discard toothbrushes frequently for a clean exfoliator. Some like using a warm sugar or salt scrub made of natural oils and granules weekly.

Whichever exfoliation method is chosen, go slowly and don't over-exfoliate. The goal is to remove dry patches, not irritate skin. After exfoliating, always apply a nourishing balm to moisturize freshly revealed skin.

Taking a few minutes a couple of times a week to exfoliate lips makes a noticeable difference. Leaving lips smooth allows natural treatments time to penetrate and heal chapping from within, resulting in a softer pout.

4. Use Natural Oils and Butters

Rich, emollient natural oils and butter are some of the most effective homemade remedies for chapped lips. They form an occlusive barrier on the skin to lock in moisture. They include the following:

• Coconut oil penetrates deeply to hydrate due to its medium-chain fatty acid composition. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well. Swipe some onto lips like a balm anytime they feel dry.

Shea and cocoa butter are dense moisturizers that layer thickly without feeling greasy. Melt a small piece and mix in coconut oil for easy application. Let it resolidify to create an all-natural SPF lip protectant.

Mix one above with a hydrating oil like jojoba, avocado, or rosehip seed for an even more nourishing salve. Apply before bed for overnight healing and preventative use throughout the day in cold weather.

5. Utilize Healing Agents

Certain natural ingredients have fantastic healing abilities to repair chapped lips when used topically. Integrating some of these agents can speed up recovery time. They include the following:

• Aloe vera is a powerful healing agent for chapped lips due to its anti-inflammatory properties and abundant vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The pure gel extracted from aloe vera plant leaves can be directly applied to soothe irritated skin and accelerate the repair of cracks or fissures. Its cooling gel texture also delivers hydration, helping to soften and moisturize dry, chapped lips.

• Honey is another natural ingredient with lip-healing abilities. As a humectant, honey draws moisture into the skin around the lips. It possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory attributes and the ability to disinfect minor sores and reduce inflammation. Applying a light layer of honey and allowing it to absorb for 15-20 minutes provides relief and healing benefits.

• Cucumber: Contains hydrating vitamins and minerals that nourish parched lips when rubbed directly on the skin. Its refreshing juice soothes and replenishes moisture when lips feel dry and cracked.

• Green tea: Its high antioxidant and tannin content also effectively heals, helping reduce inflammation from chapping when a soaked tea bag is applied.

Final Thoughts

You can naturally heal and protect your delicate pout by addressing the internal and external causes of chapped lips. Proper hydration, exfoliation, protection from elements, use of healing oils and balms, and utilization of soothing natural agents work synergistically to replenish moisture. With consistent application of these simple remedies, chapped, flaky lips will become a thing of the past. Your smile will again be accentuated by beautifully soft lips - restored from within and without through wholesome, effective natural techniques.

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NeuroTrackerX Team
May 30, 2024
Book Review: Conditioning for Esports

Find out what this new bible for esports has to offer for the whole industry.

Esports are a bit of an enigma.

On the one hand the dramatic rise of esports has been unprecedented, quickly garnering literally hundreds of millions of avid fans inspired by some of the most impressive brains on the planet.

On the other hand this domain is still in its infancy when it comes to understanding how to be effectively successful from a human performance perspective.

In a landmark bid to address this gap ‘‘Conditioning for Esports: A Guide to Training and Performance’’ is a book which comprehensively lays the foundations for teams, coaches and players to take performance to the next level. Here we will highlight what this quintessential guide has to offer this developing industry.

The Gist of the Book

From the outset comparisons are naturally drawn between esports and traditional sports. While from a sports science angle there is still a long way to go in terms of research, there is also a lot of underappreciated respect for competitive gamers as true athletes.

For example, studies are referenced which show that the levels of cortisol produced in competition are actually on par with that of a race car driver, matched with a high pulse rate of up to 180 beats per minute. Due to grueling training schedules and physical duress, around half of Esports athletes’ careers are ended due to injuries, often following multiple surgeries.

This underscores the need for a holistic approach to esports performance by both emulating a lot of what has been learned through sports science, while also appreciating the unique needs of esport athletes. In this light detailed attention is devoted to the performance mindset, the mind–body connection, the roles of nutrition, recovery, player development, and the physical and psychological conditioning necessary for peak performance in the gaming environment.

What makes the book a gem is the fact that the authors are bonafide experts in the fields of esports, traditional sports, physiological conditioning and human health. In a nutshell it is written from the ground-up to provide the necessary education and resources to help players achieve their performance goals, without losing sight of overall health and well-being.

A New Bible for Esports

Conditioning for Esports takes a rigorous approach to all aspects of player and team development, a kind of ten commandments style compendium delivered chapter by chapter across the following themes.

1. Bridging the Gap Between Traditional Sports and Esports

2. Player Development Within the Esport Ecosystem

3. The Cognitive Athlete—Making the Mind–Body Connection

4. Role of Performance Psychology in Esport Player Development

5. Nutrition and Esport Performance

6. Sleep, Fatigue, and Recovery in Esports

7. Esport Injury Assessment and Care

8. Corrective Exercise Guidelines for Esport Impairments

9. Physical Training and Exercise Guidelines for Esport Athletes

10. Physical Training Programming for Esport Teams

This offers a fresh holistic perspective on what it takes to succeed in this burgeoning field, in a way that is deeply detailed, yet highly accessible.

It paints a picture of an industry at a crossroads, with growing mainstream acceptance opening up more avenues for professional gamers to refine their skills. It emphasizes inclusivity, urging new talents from diverse backgrounds to bring their expertise into the esports arena.

Discussions cover how a panoply of skills can be honed and modified through the latest research, emphasizing that the understanding of neurophysical performance will continue to evolve in tandem with the growth of the industry.

Addressing Practical Needs

Transitioning from practice to game day, the book highlights the mental shift required to focus more on the process than the outcome. It underscores the importance of pregame readiness, advocating for mental and physical warm-ups to combat anxiety and sharpen focus. Communication, a critical component in team-based esports, is explored in depth, revealing how effective teamwork and preparation can significantly boost a player's performance.

Nutrition and trust in training receive special attention, emphasizing the need for personalized dietary plans and the crucial role of coaches in achieving team buy-in. This extends to the cognitive benefits of proper nutrition and the importance of understanding individual dietary needs to optimize performance.

It also tackles the less-discussed aspects of esports, such as the necessity of a well-designed gaming station to prevent injuries and promote long-term athlete health, the importance of sleep and its impact on cognitive and physical recovery, offering strategies to improve sleep hygiene.

The integration of exercise into an esports athlete's routine is also highlighted, detailing the benefits of a structured exercise regimen that aligns with general health guidelines but is tailored to the unique demands of esports.


Overall, Conditioning for Esports is a desperately needed one-stop guide for anyone involved in esports, from new players to seasoned professionals, coaches and even health practitioners. It offers a blueprint for not just surviving but thriving in the competitive world of esports, marking it as an essential read for those looking to elevate their game or understand the intricacies of this dynamic industry.

Available on Amazon: Conditioning for Esports: A Guide to Training and Performance

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Guest Writers
May 27, 2024
Virtual Counselling & Therapy for Mental Health Problems: A Definitive Guide

Learn about the transformative shifts in how mental health services are being delivered.

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, virtual counselling & therapy for mental health problems have emerged as pivotal resources. This guide delves into the intricacies of these services, highlighting their importance, mechanisms, types, & benefits.

What is Virtual Counselling & Therapy for Mental Health?

Virtual counselling & therapy refer to the provision of mental health services through digital platforms. This can include video calls, phone calls, chat-based interactions, & even AI-driven sessions.

Licensed mental health professionals offer these services, ensuring that clients receive the same quality of care as they would in a traditional face-to-face setting. The core objective remains to provide support, guidance, & treatment for various mental health issues, ranging from anxiety & depression to more complex psychological conditions.

Why We Need Virtual Counselling & Therapy

The need for virtual counselling & therapy has been amplified by several factors:

- Accessibility: One of the most significant advantages is the increased accessibility to mental health services. People living in remote areas, those with physical disabilities, or individuals with tight schedules can now receive the help they need without logistical barriers.

- Stigma Reduction: Mental health stigma can prevent individuals from seeking help. Virtual platforms offer a level of anonymity & privacy that can encourage more people to reach out for support without the fear of being judged.

- Convenience: Virtual counselling allows for flexible scheduling, making it easier for individuals to fit therapy into their busy lives. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for those balancing work, family, & other responsibilities.

- Pandemic Response: The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of virtual mental health services. With lockdowns & social distancing measures in place, many turned to virtual counselling as a vital resource for maintaining their mental health.

What are the common types of virtual counselling & therapy?

Virtual counselling & therapy encompass a variety of approaches, each tailored to different needs & preferences:

- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT is a widely-used therapy that helps individuals identify & change negative thought patterns & behaviours. Virtual CBT sessions are conducted through video or chat, making them accessible & effective.

- Psychodynamic Therapy: This type of therapy focuses on understanding unconscious thoughts & how they influence behaviour. Virtual sessions can help clients explore their past experiences & how they affect their current mental health.

- Humanistic Therapy: Emphasizing self-growth & self-actualization, humanistic therapy often involves open-ended conversations that can be effectively conducted over video calls.

- Group Therapy: Virtual group therapy brings together individuals with similar issues, providing a supportive community. Sessions can be conducted via video conferencing, facilitating interaction & mutual support.

- Family Therapy: Virtual family therapy sessions help families navigate conflicts & improve communication. It is particularly useful when family members live in different locations.

How does it work?

Virtual counselling & therapy services operate through various digital platforms designed to facilitate secure & confidential communication between clients & therapists. Here’s a breakdown of how it typically works:

- Platform Selection: Clients can choose from a range of platforms that offer virtual counselling services. These platforms include Better Help, Talk space, & traditional healthcare providers that have adapted to virtual models.

- Initial Assessment: Clients often start with an initial assessment, which can be done through an online questionnaire or a preliminary consultation. This helps match them with a suitable therapist based on their specific needs.

- Session Scheduling: Clients can schedule sessions at times that are convenient for them. Many platforms offer the flexibility to book sessions outside of traditional office hours, including evenings & weekends.

- Conducting Sessions: Sessions are typically conducted through video calls but can also include phone calls, chat-based communications, or even text messaging, depending on the client's preference & the therapist's offerings.

- Confidentiality & Security: Reputable virtual counselling platforms prioritize confidentiality & data security. They use encryption & secure login procedures to ensure that all communications remain private.

What are the benefits?

Virtual counselling & therapy offer numerous benefits that make them an attractive option for many individuals.

- Increased Accessibility: Virtual services break down geographical barriers, providing access to mental health care for individuals in rural or underserved areas.

- Cost-effective: Without the need for physical office space, virtual counselling can often be more affordable than in-person therapy. Additionally, it saves on travel expenses.

- Comfort & Convenience: Clients can attend sessions from the comfort of their own homes, which can make them feel more at ease & open during therapy.

- Flexibility: The flexibility of scheduling allows clients to choose times that best fit their lifestyles, making it easier to maintain a consistent therapy routine.

- Variety of Options: Virtual platforms offer access to a wide range of virtual counselors & therapists & therapy styles, allowing clients to find the best fit for their needs.

- Anonymity: The option to remain anonymous can be crucial for those who feel uncomfortable discussing their issues face-to-face or in a local setting.

- Continuity of Care: Even if clients move or travel frequently, they can continue their therapy sessions without interruption, ensuring continuity of care.


Virtual counselling & therapy represent a transformative shift in how mental health services are delivered. By leveraging technology, these services make mental health support more accessible, flexible, & convenient. As we move forward, the integration of virtual counselling into the broader mental health care system is likely to grow, driven by ongoing advancements in technology & a greater societal recognition of the importance of mental health. For anyone seeking support, virtual counselling & therapy provide a viable, effective, & increasingly popular option to consider.

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NeuroTrackerX Team
May 17, 2024
The Benefits of Cognitive Assessments for Understanding Real-World Functioning

Get an overview of the tests designed to decode how your grey matter functions.

Cognitive assessments are pivotal tools in understanding the complexies of our brains function, our human performance needs, and in identifying specific signs of cognitive impairments. These assessments, rooted in neuroscience and psychology, provide key insights into the inner workings of our minds and are essential for both healthcare professionals and researchers.

The Foundations of Cognitive Assessment

Cognitive assessment involves a series of neuropsychological tests designed to evaluate mental functions such as memory, attention, reasoning, and language comprehension. These tests offer a comprehensive view of an individual's cognitive abilities, helping to establish a baseline of their mental fitness or to detect specific neurological. These tests can be highly specific, for example measuring different types of verbal working memory, or be designed to diagnose certain neurological conditions such as ADHD.

Decoding Brain Function with Cognitive Assessments

The brain, our most complex organ, coordinates thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger, and every process that regulates our body. By applying cognitive assessments, specialists can pinpoint which areas of the brain are functioning well and which may be lagging. This is crucial for diagnosing neurological disorders like Alzheimer's disease, stroke, or traumatic brain injury. Understanding specific deficits allows for targeted therapies that can improve symptoms and enhance quality of life.

Alternatively, some cognitive assessments like NeuroTracker tests how many cognitive subsystems perform in an integrative way to measure more global cognitive functioning. This can be particularly useful for predicting real-world performance abilities, or as tools for initial cognitive screening to detect potential neurological problems for further investigiation.

Understanding Human Performance Needs

In settings like schools and workplaces, cognitive assessments are invaluable for identifying individuals' strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge can be used to develop customized educational or training programs that optimize learning and performance.

For instance, if a student shows outstanding problem-solving skills but struggles with memory, tailored educational strategies can be implemented to support their learning needs.

Early Detection of Cognitive Impairments

Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of cognitive assessments is their ability to detect early signs of cognitive decline or neurodegenerative associated with aging.

Identifying these issues at an early stage can lead to interventions that may slow the progression of cognitive impairments, offering individuals a better prognosis. This is especially vital for older adults, where early signs of decline can often be overlooked as typical age-related changes.

The Future of Cognitive Assessments

The future of cognitive assessments is marked by technological advancements that promise more precise and accessible evaluations. Digital tools, wearables, neuroimaging and neurofeedback techniques used while performance mental tasks, along with AI applications to analysis cognitive data, are progressing quickly. These are set to transform the power and specificity of cognitive assessments, also making them more user-friendly. The increasing power of smartphones and digital telehealth solutions likewise improves accessibility to brain data to guide best practices in daily life.


Cognitive assessments are more than just evaluations, they are keys that unlock the complex functions of the human brain and act as early warning systems for cognitive decline. As we continue to advance our understanding and technology, the role of cognitive assessments in improving mental health and human potential becomes increasingly clear. Their integration into routine healthcare and personal development is essential for fostering a society where brain health is prioritized and understood.

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New Research: NeuroTracker Improves Pro Baseball Hitting

Check out rare research on the far transfer effects of cognitive training to pro sports performance.

It’s rare for pro sports teams to engage in peer-reviewed neuroscience studies. It’s even less rare to study ‘far transfer’, that is, whether or not generic forms of training can produce measurable improvements in competitive sports performance. Researchers from Nishinippon Institute of Technology, Kyusyu Institute of Technology, and Kyushu Sangyo University teamed up with the Saitama Seibu Lions, a professional baseball team in Japan's Pacific League. Their goal was to investigate if training with NeuroTracker’s 3D multiple object tracking could produce far transfer effects by enhancing hitting performance. Here we will summarize the surprising results.

Breaking New Ground in NeuroTracker Research

Although there are over 100 independently published NeuroTracker studies, this ambitious study titled ‘Transferability of Multiple Object Tracking Skill Training to Professional Baseball Players’ Hitting Performance’, employed some new research methodologies.

Firstly, the training intervention spanned approximately 5 months, with coaches at the Seibu Lions advising on the most relevant performance metrics to measure.

Secondly, the study gave the baseball players the freedom to choose when and where to do their training using the remote capabilities of the NeuroTrackerX platform.

Lastly, this was the first NeuroTracker study to examine the effects of extended training, with some players completing above 80 sessions (vs the standard of 30 sessions). For this reason, some dual-task NeuroTracker training was incorporated into the intervention according to the patented NeuroTracker Learning System. This is the first research to include this methodology in a far transfer study.

What Was Studied

12 pro baseball players undertook the NeuroTracker training intervention. Most players opted to perform their NeuroTracker sessions following their baseball practice (74.8% of sessions).  

Out of these players, 6 met the inclusion criteria (factoring in effects of player transfers and injuries) for studying far transfer effects to competition performance. 2 of the baseball players were short-distance hitters, three were medium distance, and one was long-distance.

Data for these athletes was collected from professional league games for 4 months prior to the training, through to 5 months after the starting the NeuroTracker intervention. The performance metrics collected were as follows.

Zone contact: the percentage of batted balls (including foul balls) that occurred when the batter swung.

Zone-swing strike: the percentage of all pitches thrown in the strike zone that resulted in strikes when the batter swung at them.

Outside swing: the percentage of batters who swung at pitches thrown outside the strike zone.

Outside-swing strike: the percentage of cases in which a batter swung at a pitch thrown outside the strike zone.

What Was Found

NeuroTracker pre-post baselines and average learning rates

In terms of group average the players started out with NeuroTracker speed thresholds of around 1.7, which is atypically high for professional athletes. This rose to 2.2 by the end of training - approximately a 30% increase in visual tracking speed skill.

Importantly, learning rates through the extended training intervention showed no ceiling effects, suggesting that long-term NeuroTracker training yields on-going cognitive benefits.

Hitting Performance for each of the metrics were separated into two sub-categories: fast-balls and non-fastballs.

For batting against fastball pitches there were mixed results, with marginal but non-significant gains overall. The in-conclusive results here may be related to the limits of human perception and reaction.

As baseball and sport-vision expert Dr. Dan Laby states, when it comes to the extreme pitch speeds that pros can reach, hitting a baseball is ‘‘the most difficult task in all of sports’’.

This is because hitters have an effective window of just 150 milliseconds to see the pitch, decide, and then trigger a motor action. This is half the time it takes to blink!

For non-fastball pitches such as curve balls and sliders, significant post-training improvements were seen with surprisingly large effect sizes.

Successful hit rate increased by +12%, while zone swing and outside swing strikes were reduced substantially by -25.3% and -26.5% respectively. Outside swings were also positively reduced by -9.6%.


Given that the time committed to NeuroTracker sessions was just 1 to 1.5 hours per month, the results suggest that this form of training is highly efficient for improving baseball hitting skills. In particular, reducing the number of strikes against curve balls and sliders by over 25% is a big result, essentially reducing the potential of pitchers on the opposing team.

The study also provides initial validation that a training protocol determined by the players themselves can still be very productive. Also, in terms of the on-going benefits found for longer-term training, these study findings indicate for the first time that it would be relevant to investigate such transfer effects across multiple sports seasons.

Lastly, and as mentioned at the outset, this type of research with sports professionals is extremely rare. The Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences in Germany conducted a meta-review of 1692 cognitive sports studies, finding that only 3 studies successfully examined far transfer to elite sports performance. As such this research may be influential in encouraging more qualitative studies into human cognitive performance.

Transferability of Multiple Object Tracking Skill Training to Professional Baseball Players’ Hitting Performance’ (open-access paper)
Ryousuke Furukado, Yoshiko Saito, Toru Ichikawa 3, Kei Morikawa, Daiki Enokida, Hirohisa Isogai.

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Optimal Hydration for Brain Health and Mental Agility

Prepare to be surprised just how much water influences your grey matter.

Although it's one of the simplest aspects of our diet to manage, optimal hydration plays an often overlooked role in brain health and performance. The vital organ within our skill depends on hydration like a traveler in a desert oasis. Beyond merely quenching thirst, optimal hydration is pivotal for maintaining peak cognitive function and preserving brain health. Here we will overview this critical relationship, highlighting the multiple ways in which water impacts our mental prowess.

Fluid in our Brain Biology

The brain is a watery marvel, comprised of about 73% water. Just as a river nourishes the land it flows through, hydration serves as the lifeblood of cognitive processes. Research emphasizes the significance of hydration in maintaining proper neurotransmitter function, facilitating efficient neuronal communication, and supporting overall cognitive performance.

Mental Agility

If you think of the brain as a finely-tuned engine, then hydration is a bit like premium-grade fuel. Studies have highlighted the correlation between hydration status and global cognitive function over multiple years, revealing that even mild dehydration over the long term can lead to reductions in attention, memory, and executive function. From tackling complex problems or playing sports, to staying sharp during meetings, staying adequately hydrated is a simple everyday way to avoid concentration problems.

Role in Memory and Mood

Hydration may be many people's unknown ally against forgetfulness. Studies reveal how liquid intake plays a surprisingly central role in memory consolidation, in particular showing that how short-term memory improves following fluid consumption. The takeaway is that if you are dehydrated, you are less likely to remember things. As memory is closely tied to learning, this is especially important for students.

Emotions emerge from our brain's chemistry. Here hydration quitely effects our mood stability, a little like being 'hangry'. Though in people who have generally poor hydration levels, the effects can be quite substantial, with research showing that increasing their daily water intake triggering significant improvements in overall mood levels.

This may also be a factor in the lows typically experienced in alcohol related hangovers, where the dehydration effects are known to cause headaches.
Accordingly, lack of water intake is also associated with increased risk of depression and anxiety.

Role in Brain Health

Known as the ''hydromolecular hypothesis'', lifelong hydration habits may play an important part in the prevention of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases like dementia, into older age. For example Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients are often at major risk of dehydration, while typically unaware. Aside from complex chemistry interactions at the cellular level, each night while asleep the brain literally washes away dead cells and toxins through cerebrospinal fluid flow.

Related, hydration levels have also been shown to directly affect sleep quality. Intriguingly, inadequate fluid intake appears to result in too much the time spent in REM dream states, reducing the amount of time in deep sleep, which is crucial for restoration and repair throughout the body and brain.

The Simple Way to Safeguard Your Brain Health

For the majority of people water is cheap, accessible and a thirst quenching beverage. Though under appreciated by most people, our brains depend on adequate hydration to remain healthy in both the long and short term, as well as retain optimal cognitive performance. If you get to the state of feeling thirsty then usually you are already starting dehydrate. As possibly the easiest way to look after your grey matter, it's good practice to always have fluids to drink nearby.

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NeuroTrackerX Team
April 26, 2024
New Research: Playing Sports Enhances Cognitive Abilities

Discover neuroscience findings on the influence of sports on high-level cognition.

The physiological prowess of athletes has long fascinated researchers and sports fans alike. However past research published in Nature showed that perceptual-cognitive abilities are perhaps the strongest measure defining what makes elite athletes the cream of the crop. A new study by the Faubert Lab at the University of Montreal took on the nature versus nurture debate to investigate if playing sports actually helps enhance these mental abilities, as well as to see if such effects differs between males and females. Here we will cover the key findings.

What Was Studied

The study, conducted on 72 individuals aged 16 to 22, split participants into 4 groups: male athletes, female athletes, male non-athletes and female non-athletes.

Each group performed 15 sessions of NeuroTracker - a 3D multiple object tracking task that tests and trains perceptual-cognitive abilities. 15 sessions was used to establish an initial baseline of high-level cognitive functions, as well as to assess learning adaptations to this task – a novel functional measure of neuroplasticity.

What Was Found

All groups showed significant improvement within a total of 90-minutes of distributed NeuroTracker training.

Initially, male athletes demonstrated higher performance compared to their female counterparts and non-athletes. However, over five weeks of training performed in 3-session blocks, female athletes and male non-athletes demonstrated similar learning rates to male athletes.

Throughout the training female athletes also maintained consistently higher scores than male non-athletes, as did male athletes over other groups. This performance displayed a clear cognitive advantage from engaging in sports.

Results from 5 x 3 session blocks of NeuroTracker

The data was then analyzed to produce ‘normalized’ learning rates, revealing very similar improvement rates, apart from the non-athlete female group. This contrasts prior research showing that experienced world-class athletes have greatly superior learning rates, suggesting a relationship between level of elitism in sports performance and functional neuroplasticity levels.


Though a relatively simple study, the findings indicate that playing sports, even at a relatively young age, has an observable effect on enhancing cognitive performance.

The implications of these findings extend beyond the realm of sports. For instance, NeuroTracker performance has been shown in driving research to be significantly correlated with driving safety.

Additionally higher cognitive performance is associated with better brain health, possibly closing the loop between the benefits of sports and exercise. That said, more research is needed to differentiate the physiological benefits of exercise and the cognitive stimulation involved with high perception and decision-making demands found particularly in team sports.

In terms of the male and female differences, other NeuroTracker research by Texas A&M nutrition scientists suggests that these differences are negligible when college-age females have sufficient iron in their diet. This might partly corroborate these findings, given that young females athletes are likely to have more nutritious diets that non-athletes.

As the human brain does not fully mature until around the age of 25, the overall results add evidence to the potential neurodevelopmental benefits of early involvement in sports.


Gender comparison of perceptual-cognitive learning in young athletes

Isabelle Legault & Jocelyn Faubert, Nature Scientific Reports

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NeuroTrackerX Team
April 17, 2024
Book Review: Eye of the Champion

Insights on the new book by sports vision guru Dr. Daniel Laby.

In the competitive world of sports, where every fraction of a second and every split-second decision counts, one often overlooked aspect can make all the difference: sports vision. Dr. Daniel Laby, an ophthalmologist with over 30 years of experience and multiple championship rings from working with world-class athletes, brings to the forefront what this field is all about in his new book ‘‘Eye of the Champion: Unlocking the Power of Sports Vision for Peak Performance’’.

Drawing from his extensive career working with professional athletes across a panorama of sports, Dr. Laby delves into the intricate relationship between vision, neuroscience and psychology in the context of on-field performance. Here we will review what the book is all about.

About Dr. Laby

Trained in Ophthalmology and specializing sports vision research and training of athletes, Dr. Laby has worked closely with MLB, NHL, and NBA teams, as well medal-winning teams at the Beijing and Tokyo Olympic games.

As a researcher who has actively expanded the field of sports vision science, he has authored many journal articles, in particular revealing new insights into the visual performance characteristics of different types of athletes.

Dr. Laby has an unusual zeal for educating common athletes and coaches on the principles he has extensively put into practice with the pros. His YouTube channel, Sports Vision by Dr. Laby, quickly garnered over 14K+ subscribers and is a superb resource for anyone looking to up their game via science. Dr. Laby regularly publishes insights on human performance concepts and the practical applications of sport vision science, all discernible to the layman.

Dr Laby was also featured in a fascinating Red Bull documentary detailing his comprehensive sports vision work with soccer star Trent Alexander Arnold, of Liverpool FC.

Who is the Book for?

Eye of the Champion isn't just a theoretical exploration, it's a practical guide, born from decades of hands-on experience.

Although it is interspersed with attention-grabbing anecdotes of his work with all-time greats like baseball legend Manny Ramirez, this book is all about aiding athletes and coaches at any level. Dr. Laby’s goal is to help people harness the applied use of knowledge accumulated in the whole field of sports vision science.

That said, there is also lots to learn even for a seasoned sports vision trainer. For example, a surprising 80% of the refracting power of the eye is due to the air and fluid interface in the tear film, as opposed to 20% coming from the lens. The critical role of the lens is actually its adaptive focusing abilities.

About the Book

What sets this book apart is how Dr. Laby distills the core scientific foundations of vision-related human performance, and then builds-out how they are applied with crystal clear examples and even introductions to the tools and technologies available.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or an aspiring amateur, Eye of the Champion is a piece of literature thoughtfully designed from the ground-up to empower athletes to optimize their visual capabilities, ultimately enabling them to perform at their best.

Some cursory insights to be gained include:

- What 20/20 vision actually is, and why it is insufficient for most sports.

- How ‘quiet eye’ technique works.

- Why peripheral vision is stronger in low light conditions.

- Why where an athlete is looking before they make a play can predict their success rate

- The extent you process visual information and execute sports actions unconsciously.

- Why training mental muscle is much more effective than trying to train eye muscles.

- Why refractive surgery isn’t usually a good option for sports performance.

There are also pedagogically excellent images and QR code links, such as interactive illusions, helping give first-hand experience of the concepts being discussed.

The Sports Vision Pyramid

The core learning component of Eye of the Champion is the grandiose ‘‘Sports Vision Pyramid’’, a kind of ten commandments guide to the overall application of sports vision principles.

Accordingly, Dr. Laby first takes the time to outlay the essential concepts of the pyramid, like why it is so important to have solid foundations of the lower tiers, before working on aspects of the higher tiers.

He then breaks down each tier, chapter by chapter, delving into nested subjects like Go No-Go decision-making, along with details of their practical applications.

Dr. Laby also goes the extra mile to precisely describe how to reliably assess and train these sub-components of visual performance, as well as introducing the best practical tools for the job, in each domain.

Finally, he gives explanations of concepts athletes and coaches might have heard of, but are not quite sure about. For instance, what neuroplasticity is and if it is actually trainable from a sports performance perspective. Or why ocular dominance is one of the most common misconceptions in sports.


Overall Eye of the Champion is an erudite and comprehensive exposé of sports vision science and its real-world applications from a seasoned leader of the field. Dr. Laby makes this crucial dimension of human performance not only accessible, but memorable. There are lots of valuable lessons here, both conceptual and practical, that any athlete and coach can add to their toolkit.

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NeuroTrackerX Team
April 12, 2024
The Evolution of Sports Vision Science in Professional Athletics

Check out this overview on the rise of sports vision training for athletic performance.

In the dynamic landscape of professional sports, where the margins between triumph and defeat are razor-thin, athletes are constantly in pursuit of innovative strategies to gain a competitive edge. Amidst the relentless quest for physical prowess and tactical mastery, an often overlooked frontier has emerged – the realm of sports vision science. This interdisciplinary field has not only reshaped our understanding of human perception but has also revolutionized the way athletes prepare, perform, and excel on the field.

Tracing the Evolution of Sports Vision Science

The journey of sports vision science is one marked by relentless exploration and groundbreaking discoveries. Initially relegated to the sidelines, vision training has gradually evolved from rudimentary exercises to sophisticated, data-driven methodologies. What began as simple eye drills has blossomed into a nuanced understanding of visual acuity, dynamic tracking, and cognitive processing – all tailored to the demands of high-performance athletics.

Practical Implementations in Professional Sports Performance

Visual Perception Training: Professional athletes undergo rigorous visual perception training to sharpen their ability to process and interpret visual stimuli in real-time. This may involve exercises to enhance peripheral vision, improve depth perception, and optimize hand-eye coordination.

Neurofeedback and Virtual Reality Simulations: Cutting-edge technologies, such as neurofeedback systems and virtual reality simulations, are employed to create immersive training environments. Athletes can simulate game scenarios and fine-tune their decision-making skills under realistic conditions, fostering rapid adaptation and heightened situational awareness.

Customized Vision Enhancement Protocols: Sports vision specialists work closely with athletes to develop personalized training protocols tailored to their specific sport and position. Whether it's enhancing visual tracking for a baseball outfielder or improving depth perception for a basketball point guard, these customized interventions address the unique demands of each athlete's role on the field.

Performance Analysis and Feedback: Advanced analytics and biomechanical assessments are utilized to analyze an athlete's visual performance during practice and competition. By identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, coaches can provide targeted feedback to optimize technique and decision-making on the field.

NeuroTracker: Matt Ryan's ascension to MVP of the NFL was attributed to in-part to his use of NeuroTracker training. In an interview with the New York Times he gave this insight.
‘‘It’s important to have your mind operating on a high-level…that’s key as a quarterback, to be able to see things and how they relate to each other quickly. I think that’s exactly what NeuroTracker helps you do.’’

Real-World Success Stories

The impact of sports vision training is perhaps most palpable on the grand stage of professional sports. Countless athletes attribute their success to the insights gleaned from sports vision science and the dedicated efforts of their support teams.

From baseball sluggers who effortlessly track fastballs to soccer goalkeepers who anticipate shots with uncanny precision, the influence of visual training crosses every aspect of athletic performance.

The Future of Sports Vision Science

As we peer into the future, the trajectory of sports vision science appears boundless. Advancements in wearable technology, artificial intelligence, and genetic profiling promise to unlock new frontiers in human performance optimization. By harnessing the power of data-driven insights and interdisciplinary collaboration, we stand poised to redefine the boundaries of human potential in sports and beyond.

The evolution of sports vision science represents a paradigm shift in our approach to athletic development and performance enhancement. By recognizing the pivotal role of visual perception in sports, we have unlocked a treasure trove of strategies to elevate athletic excellence to unprecedented heights. As we continue to push the boundaries of innovation and exploration, one thing remains clear – in the pursuit of victory, vision is not merely a tool but a gateway to triumph.

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NeuroTrackerX Team
April 4, 2024
NeuroTracker Training Paves the Way for Ukrainian Olympians

Learn about the Road to the Olympics project to support Ukrainian and Greek athletes.

The Road to the Olympics (RtO) project, founded under the European Platform for Sports Innovation (EPSI), has begun. On the 15th and the 16th of February a new Erasmus+ project, Road to Olympics,  was kicked off with a meeting hosted by Kinetic Analysis in Breda, Netherlands. Partners, including the project leader The International Centre Sports Mental Coaching (Spain), the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, Olympiacos SPF (Greece), EPSI (Belgium) and the Technological University of Shannon (Ireland), discussed the importance of this project co-funded by the EU that will be implemented for the next 2 years.  

RtO Kick Off meeting

The project will target Ukranian pre-olympian athletes, using Cognitive Training techniques to strengthen their mental skills. Considering the challenging situation their country is experiencing, the project hopes to implement mind coaching techniques, to prevent athletes’ performance levels from dropping.  

During the first day of the kick-off meeting, participants had the opportunity of networking, creating the basis for a positive working relationship. The leaders introduced the project and the technology they developed at the International Centre, to strengthen cognitive skills. The second day saw a practical demonstration of the different variants of NeuroTracker, a cognitive training tool that will be instrumental in the implementation of the project.

As well as NeuroTracker, other technologies that will be fundamental parts of the project were presented to participants, including IDRO and SportsLapp, by Kinetic Analysis. These tools will be used to collect and analyse data on the athletes’ performance levels.  

The Cognitive Training Program

The involvement of Ukrainian athletes and coaches will be ensured by the presence within the project Consortium of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine. In a spirit of inclusion and aggregation, the project’s scope will also be open to non-Ukrainian athletes and coaches. Around 30 athletes from Ukraine and 10 from Greece will be selected to take part in the project, as well as some coaches.

They will have access to training sessions held in Madrid (Spain) and Athens (Greece), which will be hosted by project partners in the next two years. The Cognitive Training methodology, developed by the International Centre, will be adapted to the needs of the participants and implemented throughout the project’s lifetime. The project outcomes will be scientifically evaluated. Lastly, a collection of guidelines on cognitive and mental training will be elaborated to give a Europe-wide resonance to the importance of cognitive and mental training.

EPSI Leads the Communication

Thanks to its expertise in the field, EPSI will guide the Communication and Dissemination of the project. EPSI aims to promote the objectives and results of the project, so as to involve and engage Sport organizations and other relevant stakeholders and raise their awareness on the importance of cognitive and mental training. By coordinating with other partners, EPSI will implement a common Communication Strategy, to disseminate the impact of RtO.  

Being part of such an important project pushes the accelerator further on the sports innovation front, one that can have such a positive impact on the lives of people impacted by war, to hopefully keep them on the path to becoming Olympians.

To keep up with project updates, please visit:
Or contact Pedro Gormaz – CEO and Founder of the International Center Sports Mental Coaching.

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